Tuesday, February 07, 2017

friend with self

When does it start that we become less friendly to ourselves   

Bad enough that others want to judge rather than tend to their own connection to self, but what am I doing to me by looking at everything with a judgmental eye.   If I am the only one in the space, then there is nothing to compare to.  Am I fat because I am fat or uncomfortable or causing my body to have to work harder to support me or do I see myself big in comparison to others, my mind’s eye of what should be ideal.  

What is ideal? – for my being, in comparison, or by whose standards is the bar set?

As long as I am outside of myself, I will tend to judge by looking at me in proportion to the world view.   When I connect with my true nature, I will just be and have a friendship with myself.

It all goes back to sometimes mother was correct… if you are not your own best friend, you are no ones.

And what did Buddha say……………………….

This is what should be done by those who are skilled in seeking the good, having attained the way of peace:
They should be able, straightforward, and upright, easy to speak to, gentle, and not proud,
Content and easily supported, with few obligations and wants
They should not do anything base that the wise would reprove.
May they be at their ease and secure—may all beings be happy.
Whatever living beings there are, whether they be weak or strong— omitting none –
Whether long, large, average, short, big or small,
Seen or unseen, dwelling near or far,
born or to be born—may all beings be happy.
Let no one deceive another or despise anyone anywhere.
Let none out of anger or hostility wish suffering upon another.
Just as a mother would protect with her life her own child, her only child,
So should one cultivate a boundless mind toward all beings and friendliness toward the entire world.
One should cultivate a boundless mind—above, below, and across,
Without obstruction, hatred, or enmity.
Standing, walking, sitting, or lying down, throughout all one’s waking hours,
One should practice this mindfulness; this, they say, is the supreme state.
Not falling into wrong views, virtuous, endowed with insight,

     Having overcome desire for sense pleasures, one will never again know rebirth.

1 comment:

JoAnn said...

Thank you for sharing the words of the Buddha. Very good advice under any circumstances but most important to remember in these days of darkness. It is difficult not to obsess on the day to day nightmares we wake up to. Trying to leave my phone out of the bedroom, and not check it at all until I've gloried in the blue skies, warm breezes and lovely green swaying palms right outside my window. Been enjoying the blog very much!! xoxo

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