Tuesday, November 28, 2017


Today I rode down by the river.  I think this is one of the first rides I will take with Joe since it is winding but no hairpin turns and no hills.   There are hundreds of places to stop and take a picture.
There is some traffic.  Most of the time, you only hear the hum of the scooter and see the many fruit trees.   I am not sure what they all are but I could see some coconuts and longan's hanging on the trees.  The leaves on most of the trees are very thick and as I woosh by I fantasize that some are mangosteen's of guava's but I don't get off the bike to check.
Unless I am eating with someone, the conversation of others just becomes a hum of sound with no recognized words.  I can tell by the accents that some are Dutch and Italian as well as Thai, Chinese, Hong Kong, Japanese.  Thre is no need for me to know, or listen, or try to guess.   It is like the country ride... just miles of leaves on the path, a small slithering snake, the smell of the fish in the river and the occasional dog laying in the sun with one eye slightly open.
There is no place to go, nothing to hear, nothing to think about, nothing to say..   
No one to fix, to worry about, to be late for, to be early for,
I don't have to do anything, or nothing, or something.
There is time to look more closely... Is it just a leave, or a code, or animal homes...
and while I rode.... my clothes were washed.

1 comment:

JoAnn said...

What a beautiful picture!! It looks so cool and shaded, and you can’t tell where the road leads. Love it!!

Eleventh Day

 Wow, it is easy to slip into a similar pattern to what I had at home. I produced a plan to change many things - delete more emails, eat hea...