I have a very strong appreciation for living in the now and be present, but I also know my environment can get very cluttered and stacked with “stuff” if I don’t have a routine. My aversion to habits, like washing your face and brushing your teeth have often resulted in being in bed and thinking… oh… I should get up and …. The only driven now appears to be toilet issues. They are now and as needed but the rest…. Often lost.
One of my targets for this trip was to have a regular practice, be organized, and drop some weight. I have some general patterns which have helped me – acupuncture twice a week, Phat for two hours on Thursday, and a rotating diet with intermitted fasting. I now have added a day away from the matting crowd – or home alone.
Never going to get lots of time to do just what you want, but you can work out a schedule for “me-time”.
My calendar says 21 days. The is the number of days for a full retreat. The number of days to establish a habit. So today is D-day to put some of the rest of the routine in place.
Some of the habits I had on my list – 1) stay out of everyone else’s life. It they want something and ask.. do it.. if now, just let them know you are available but stay put. I might have to buy some super glue for that one. I have a book of notes about trying to be helpful that has only worked out as putting distance between myself and someone in my life. Like family, which I have virtually no family, I am getting down to close to no friends.
Riding the scooter has helped me with my awareness and mindful living. I feel like my head is on a swivel at rush hour trying to keep track of all the other drivers in my immediate Now place. Where did he come from has been my common thought? And where did various elements of my Now life come from… or I did not see that coming. Most of the time I find it was available for me to see but I opted to look in another Now direction.
What has started to develop is my awake and aware sense as I practice meditation. I know there are people in the area, but they are like vapor. there but not there.
I have many more things I would like to do before I leave this home…..but It will be what it is and I will be ok to come stateside and will put more energy into making that my home away from this home.
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