Spent the after at the Children and science museum. Here are a few pictures.
The last picture was one I was told not to take. I had already taken it. The next was a flower someone had made and then a mirror flower with my hands and a photo of my gallery with my image in the mirror.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
afternoon in Calgary
When you have only a day to get a feel for a city what do you do and where do you go? Well the first place was McDonald's. As i was just writing I noticed that many older women were coming in and eating but not leaving. I was was there a long time. More came and stayed. I thought l would ask what I should do for my only day in town. Take the train down town which is the same thing the person at the park had said. Who are you and where do you come from was the next topic. Ya ya ya....oh we thought you were a new player. Calgary has casinos but mcd? No. It is Tuesday and bingo day. For .25 $ you can play for McDonald's food coupons for 2hrs. The games did not start for an other 20 min or I might have stayed. What are the chances that I am at the only gambling fast food place..
I did go to the Starks children and science museum. The there were little people all over. I was reminded that you don't take pictures of! Muslim children. It was a lot of fun and I pulled and pushed all the buttons and levers. I did manage to lose the car park ticket. As a woman was screaming at her husband about his lost ticket I thought it is just a ticket and i am sure this happens all the time.
What kind of food could not taste like it came from an other planet. Eggs. ..so I found the diner deluxe with the password french toast...no caps one word. So am not a McDonald and will drive to a couple of parks.
I did go to the Starks children and science museum. The there were little people all over. I was reminded that you don't take pictures of! Muslim children. It was a lot of fun and I pulled and pushed all the buttons and levers. I did manage to lose the car park ticket. As a woman was screaming at her husband about his lost ticket I thought it is just a ticket and i am sure this happens all the time.
What kind of food could not taste like it came from an other planet. Eggs. ..so I found the diner deluxe with the password french toast...no caps one word. So am not a McDonald and will drive to a couple of parks.
It is 9:15 Alberta time and I am tired and want to get some sleep before the rain. I have said rain for several days but it has not rained. I want to get some of the day's details down before it is tomorrow. I got up and out early to arrive in Medicine Hat around 2pm. Mark was my camp ground neighbor but also one of the ground keepers. It was his day off so he was free to drive me around the course. Note the pictures
My next venture was to locate the tire rotation store which was in the local Sears store and part of the Mall. They rotated and I visited the local health food store and purchased some hemp stars and special tea and got the senior special at the Mall sit down. My opinion of Canadian food hasn't changed. When they ask is there anything else.....well silverware and water would be nice. I didn't need salt since I have never been a large salt user. I remembered why after I ate and then will not need salt for months. The tire man told me the location of the nearby wash house. It was closed but the men at the gun and bait store told me of an individual other in the CoOp mall....and to tell her that they sent me. I drove cross city noticing the authentic gas lamps and found the Posh Wash. ..manager was adorable and set me up with a soap ball that will last 1000 washes. I played with the pictures and quickly the soap ball and the clothes were done. Another 70 for the gas and back to the camp grounds. Mark's family had arrived. ..ex-wife, mortgage broker daughter, son in law, and child, pregnant daughter and her child. descended, , I went to the pro shop and watch the news, had a beer and some only slightly better food. When I returned only an 8yr old granddaughter remained. My Mason jar and I are fast friends. So off to my National interest hub at the golden arches and the on the road to Calgary. By the way this area has large snakes, spiders and is the most desert that you will find.
I have gone from Geek to Geek across Canada. I am gaining on the process. Off to the Spark science center.
I am staying in the mountain view RV camp. All good. I should say that my knees are working or would have issues with the leep from the seats and the connection with the mason jar.
My next venture was to locate the tire rotation store which was in the local Sears store and part of the Mall. They rotated and I visited the local health food store and purchased some hemp stars and special tea and got the senior special at the Mall sit down. My opinion of Canadian food hasn't changed. When they ask is there anything else.....well silverware and water would be nice. I didn't need salt since I have never been a large salt user. I remembered why after I ate and then will not need salt for months. The tire man told me the location of the nearby wash house. It was closed but the men at the gun and bait store told me of an individual other in the CoOp mall....and to tell her that they sent me. I drove cross city noticing the authentic gas lamps and found the Posh Wash. ..manager was adorable and set me up with a soap ball that will last 1000 washes. I played with the pictures and quickly the soap ball and the clothes were done. Another 70 for the gas and back to the camp grounds. Mark's family had arrived. ..ex-wife, mortgage broker daughter, son in law, and child, pregnant daughter and her child. descended, , I went to the pro shop and watch the news, had a beer and some only slightly better food. When I returned only an 8yr old granddaughter remained. My Mason jar and I are fast friends. So off to my National interest hub at the golden arches and the on the road to Calgary. By the way this area has large snakes, spiders and is the most desert that you will find.
I have gone from Geek to Geek across Canada. I am gaining on the process. Off to the Spark science center.
I am staying in the mountain view RV camp. All good. I should say that my knees are working or would have issues with the leep from the seats and the connection with the mason jar.
I'm still working on the paste when I don't want it to paste it ask paste......think the e paste is a reminder to pause. I will be at the Best Buy in Calgary. So I got Jim's message and will answer my mail The picture is of the cliffs around the golf course rv place I stay at last night. I will write more when I know how to paste.. (hear Bonny frustrated)
Monday, July 29, 2013
You can not make it up.
This is the name of one of the towns. Stopped at least my favorite coffee port to leave some DNA and refill the travel mug. I could fill a page of names that obviously were of some meaning to the indigenous.
My next spot neighbor last night has lost over 300 pounds. Interesting man. 3 moderate meals, nothing after 7 and gal of green tea-cold or hot. A travel tip was hemp stars. 9gr of protein.
I did stop to take the picture. I will tell you there are many groups of people. ...Asian, Mexican but very very few Af-Am.
It is Monday and I will get to Medicine Hat around 1 to do laundry and get the Tires rotated. Boiled eggs last night. ...slept well and more comfortable with the Galaxy. I was thinking that Kim could have helped if I had it when she came to visit. Well time to roll.
Sunday, July 28, 2013
I am now two hours off the home clock. I checked into the Buffalo RV camp around 1 local time. I located an oil change place but not a tire rotation place. I then stole
a car wash. well I did not mean to do that but once into the slip....I was stuck and no way out. There was no one in attendance so I just started toward the "keypad" as directed. When I arrived it said auto wash card should be swiped....oh oh no card. So I put the car in drive. You should have seen the woman in the car in front as I come roaring up behind her. As it was, the last brushes were still rolling and I got a mini clean on the sides. I did buy gas but could not figure out how to buy the was. The woman has an adventure to tell, I have gas and most of the dirt is off the car The oil is changed...and all is well. The highway is different here . I am over Montana Had a hastle with the credit card but I am at McDonald's so I could call and get it right. I went to best buy and had the geekette lookup how to get the pictures from photo shop to my gallery. ... Let's hope it works.hip hip...paste went okay
Downtown was very full of people. A few people who had somewhat darker skin were the natives and immigrants. People appear to have money. The camp ground was full of very large mobiles, 5th wheels, and trailers. No Subaru.
I camped near a group of mine yours folks. The live at the end of the road in a town called Red Lake. He is a diamond cutter and makes 6figures. His buddy is a blaster and makes 200, 000. They only drive trucks and would not find me until spring. Nice shower this AM and good sleep car very tight.
I was so struck by the similarly of the indigenous and the Vietnam folks in the north. Who knows who has kidnapped and/or killed 4 to 7000 women.
McDonald's is my travel buddy they all appear to have free Internet.
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Every once in awhile you run across a little place in the middle of nowhere that makes you think you have found a little bit of heaven. The Coffee Landing was just such a place. It was not in town but every one one will tell you that it is the best food and every one is excited that on Aug 1st they are going to be opening for dinner. Now this picture had some photo shop help because I could not let the grey day be the image of the brightness of restaurant.
Friday, July 26, 2013
home sweet home
I can not imagine the area in the winter. This was the view in the morning. The fog was hanging over the lot which would not open for an hour. There were four of us in the lot. The other picture is in the evening at the hardest rain.
The tablet and I are making friends. It is 8:15 Thursday night. It is raining That is not the word. I am sitting in the back of my Grey Goose with a whiskey and water, a tomato sandwich, a raw bar and almonds and it is coming down in large buckets. I can hardly see the store. I know this is not what every 73+ retired woman thinks is an enjoyable road trip but there is a game to the process I have had to be more strategic tonight since this is a close at 11 kinda store. I hope the rain stops before I sleep since it will not be comfortable with out the Windows open and some air in the car. The old Ford van, also parked in the area is alone and has the passenger window open. So in preparation for the evening, I purchased a wide mouth canning jar with a lid. (see the into the woods story from last night. I also bought a pair of black pillow cases for the windows but that will not happen with the rain. Finally I now have my 3rd or 4th headlight so I can read later. An interesting observation is that the rain on the roof is muted and quite relaxing. Tonight is almond butter cup night. The van man has closed the Window and appears to be in the back of the van i could make up some really scary stories but I choose not to do so. I could go farther tomorrow night but I will stay in the USA so I have Verizon. Tomorrow when connected to wi-fi I will provide my magic jack phone number So here I am with tablet on my lap sitting in the back seat of the car eating my bar and thinking....it is all good...and tomorrow is an other Day's try putting
Thursday, July 25, 2013
I am sure that some days are much longer and harder than others. My Mom said never make something new for a meal when you are having company. Bonny says don't buy a new tablet and leave for a 7000+ miles trip and expect to blog After about three hours of work with folks from Staples and Radio Shack as well as the time I spent over dinner it was a simple fix. On this computer you must use Google as the browser So I can now organize the pictures and upload in a few minute. The night went well. I did get up early to go to the bathroom. I then re The alarm got me up at 6. Great shower and I was off to my first eggs over easy etc. Michigan is a forest and lakes state. After a couple of hundred miles of highway l started on the slow one lane roads. You travel about 10-20 miles and there is a pass zone. Lots of people going fishing or camping. I am getting to be a good Applebee's customer. When I get to the parking lot the wifi goes on...so in the future I will just sit in the parking lot. I was going to stop now but it is only 2:30 so I will not stay Walmarts but go on to a Park.
Sorry some is a repeat. ...but I just figured how to paste.
The picture at the top is of the SD I bought at Walmart in Rochester. I forgot to have the plastic alarm removed...took me 20 minutes to hack saw it free. On to Duluth.
Of course now I can't remember how to paste. I have been listening to country music. If I die stand me next to the jukebox, put sand in my shoes and a drink in my hand.....for i don't want to die tonight. You can't make that up.
Had to get up in the night. So it was me and the bears. I will get a large plastic cup for tonight. The toilet got even.......I sat down and leaned over to tie my shoes and it flushed with energy of the Tokyo toilet.....I was awake.
Breakfast was 7. Time to get down the road. This is breakfast and the home of the lumberjack.
Had to get up in the night. So it was me and the bears. I will get a large plastic cup for tonight. The toilet got even.......I sat down and leaned over to tie my shoes and it flushed with energy of the Tokyo toilet.....I was awake.
westward ho
New adventure and I can't read what I am writing. I am on a learning curve and just figured out that I need to turn the tool long ways to see the text.
Ok. I will be leaving for the long trip to the west coast on Wednesday. Like the last trip to the canyons, I will stop in small towns and talk to everyone who will talk to me it will be interesting to see if there is more Wi-fi than the last time. In Thailand I can get lost in the day with people, food, and massage. In a car with my thoughts and quiet there is a great deal of time to pause and get back in connection with who is living in my life.This is a practice blog written in word and pasted into the blogspot.
So this is my home away from home. I put my clothes on bed going down the road or it dumps.
Ok. I will be leaving for the long trip to the west coast on Wednesday. Like the last trip to the canyons, I will stop in small towns and talk to everyone who will talk to me it will be interesting to see if there is more Wi-fi than the last time. In Thailand I can get lost in the day with people, food, and massage. In a car with my thoughts and quiet there is a great deal of time to pause and get back in connection with who is living in my life.This is a practice blog written in word and pasted into the blogspot.
So this is my home away from home. I put my clothes on bed going down the road or it dumps.
This has been one of the longest times between writings. Working on the house and garden has taken my energy and I can hardly go farther an a Haiku
Ego and I have come to an understanding and as such, when I am free of the controlling me... I am at ease and more comfortable. Keeping the judging ego with the many lists, and to do's has been a challenge. When I put the judge (ego) to rest... it is easy. .calm ...open, free./// so that is where I want to be and stay.
I found myself in a class this past several months and I found me saying....I know that... I believe that....it is my core but not in my soul or I would not need reminders of my tenants
And what do I believe.; For today, I sense that everything is moving....slowly or rapidly. and to keep the keel steady. you need slow
...Everyone’s income is always a little less than comfortable....
I have written but mostly personal mumbles as a companion to my meditation notes. I am alive and well ...Ego and I have come to an understanding and as such, when I am free of the controlling me... I am at ease and more comfortable. Keeping the judging ego with the many lists, and to do's has been a challenge. When I put the judge (ego) to rest... it is easy. .calm ...open, free./// so that is where I want to be and stay.
I found myself in a class this past several months and I found me saying....I know that... I believe that....it is my core but not in my soul or I would not need reminders of my tenants
And what do I believe.; For today, I sense that everything is moving....slowly or rapidly. and to keep the keel steady. you need slow
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Got out of the house a little late but once on th way it went smoothly. Just ate at Applebee's so I can use the Internet. The camp site is good but I am not sure how to get the pictures off the card and even worse I am not sure how to get the card out. So that will be a project that I have to solve.
I do have electric at my site so I will work on it this evening before bed. This will be short. The meal was less than memorable and I am asked again how was everything there might be flying galaxies.
Bottom line. I am okay.This is a practice blog written in word and pasted into the blogspot
This is a practice blog written in word and pasted into the blogspot.
The Flint area might as well be bankrupt.
I do have electric at my site so I will work on it this evening before bed. This will be short. The meal was less than memorable and I am asked again how was everything there might be flying galaxies.
Bottom line. I am okay.This is a practice blog written in word and pasted into the blogspot
This is a practice blog written in word and pasted into the blogspot.
The Flint area might as well be bankrupt.
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Eleventh Day
Wow, it is easy to slip into a similar pattern to what I had at home. I produced a plan to change many things - delete more emails, eat hea...
Wow, it is easy to slip into a similar pattern to what I had at home. I produced a plan to change many things - delete more emails, eat hea...
Crawling out of bed has new meaning for me these days. To get to the rug on the floor and prepare for the new bed, the old bed had to go. ...
Many years ago, I wrote several essays regarding the “sandwich generation.” The topic got as far as a few lunches with an agency director ab...