I left the Timberland RV camp before the Sunday services. I don't think they sit on little brown pillows. I must do some research but my observation is that folks that stay in the park are not the brightest lights. Each park bathroom has more instructions turn off the water when you are done. Put trash in receptacle sorry that should be trash bin. Don't drive on the grass. ...and Sunday services at 8:30. The McDonald's tv is on Fox News and the folks at the next table and talking about the DC march and MLK "the pervert with a sex addiction". Much has charged for me on this trip and yet nothing. In school when everyone wore a tranchcoat and got wet, I wore a slicker and stayed dry. That will not change but I feel no need to try to explain or try to be long. Someplace out there is my tribe.I will connect. I am ready for a cultural shower. I lived in the suburbs and they didn't know what to do with me but when I went the extra mile to work in voter registration, they said thanks. I have reviewed my past years and have watched myself step in when no one did and when it was over someone could have done it better. I have not thought I was a slow learner but recently I offered to do a task after I researched the options only to have no one support my process and offer. How many times will I run into the wall? There is no need to do anything.It Iis time to stop trying to fit but just stand by and applaud someone else's efforts. I am feeling the need to go back to what I did when I was 20, go south and work in voter registration. It is a good cause, they find a place for you and you know your little effort makes a difference. I knew one of the three boys that were killed for their efforts. I had a dream of an urban village but once again, i live in the suburbs.
This has been an important time away. I am coming home with great anticipation of cleaning up, stabilizing my home base, and moving on. As the song says, you've got to know when to hold and when to fold.
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Friday, August 23, 2013
Marysville, Ks
Marysville, Ks is a town of about 3000 situated on the Pony Express Hwy. There are a few motels, a couple of gas stations a couple of churches, etc. It is in the land of OZ and yes Dorothy you are home. Kansas was the state farthest toward the west to fight with the union. In modern day Kansas has been a red state. There is corn and wheat is in the fields which have been in a family for years. I am ready to be home to take care of some loose ends, work on my house and put some of the things I have learned down on paper. I was headed to St Joseph when I was looking at the buildings as I passed through the town.
On the left side was a movie theater with the first movie The Butler. As I was to find out, the appalo3 was formerly a church recreational facility and there is a pool on the lower level. I found this out by deciding to stop in Marysville. I checked into the local Motel, Oak Tree Inn which was $62 which includes breakfast. The Apollo is a very large theater and for $12 you are admitted, get a bottomless pop corn, and a cold drink.
The movie was my life starting with the Nixon years and the first sit ins. I so remember the hoses on the children.....it was a Sunday and Georgette and I had a small apt in Rochester. That moved me. The movie is very well done. The acting was great. And I will remember Marysville.
On the left side was a movie theater with the first movie The Butler. As I was to find out, the appalo3 was formerly a church recreational facility and there is a pool on the lower level. I found this out by deciding to stop in Marysville. I checked into the local Motel, Oak Tree Inn which was $62 which includes breakfast. The Apollo is a very large theater and for $12 you are admitted, get a bottomless pop corn, and a cold drink.
The movie was my life starting with the Nixon years and the first sit ins. I so remember the hoses on the children.....it was a Sunday and Georgette and I had a small apt in Rochester. That moved me. The movie is very well done. The acting was great. And I will remember Marysville.
Cripple Creek good bye mountains
There is not too much more I could push into a day or had pushed back at me. Started good with a great breakfast. Then on to Cripple Creek which is sweet gold rush town. They have have excellent historical information. If you already did not know it, the altitude is higher than Quito. You are reminded when your tooth paste jumps out of the tube. I was told the mine experience is interesting. Well it was. You pack 8 strangers into a small cage and then drop them down 1000 ft into the middle of the Earth. The guide demonstrated every type of drilling except nitrogen blasting and we got to take home a gold stone. So these are so mine photos
That is the bonny shadow shoot the ore in the mine wall
I then visited an historic mansion in the next town
That is the bonny shadow shoot the ore in the mine wall
I then visited an historic mansion in the next town
When I left there is when the evening took a turn. A mud slide took out a road. The rain was so bad I snuck in behind a truck to have some idea of the road. As I turned toward Cripple Creek.....nothing! So theater
I had a campground out of town for the night and had left my chair in my spot. So I relaxed and went to the melodrama. It the middle of the show, I could hear the thunderstorms. When I left the theater, there was 2 inches of snow from the sleet storm. I went the 5 miles down the road and found a pitch black camp with only the lightening showing the way. I held tight and drove across the new creek and eventually found my camp site but no chair. Grey Goose said that is what an outback does. Samantha was writing a letter to GPS abuse and Stan said I am not sleeping alone. I got in the back and sat for 10 minutes, used the flashlight to try and find the chair. Crack, flash and Grey said the hell with the chair. ?.is the creek rising?
I got in the front and we were off back over the creek and through the hail snow
until the road was closed and then found Walmarts. In 2 hrs the rain stopped, the moon and the parking lot repair crew were out.
I am on the road and will stop between 4and5 and stay in a motel. And yes Stan and I slept together.
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Is this the way to Grandmother's house
When I get up in the morning and look at the map, I think. ...oh this doesn't look too bad. Then Samantha says we aren't going that way we are going this way. It looks much longer. So today, since I decided to leave the heat, we were going to do it my way. Usually Samantha gives in after a few recalculatings. But not today. Today she said turn here even when it is a drive, or mud path smaller than the one we are on. My way was shorter and only 45 miles long but it was an experience.
At the beginning it was a road in need of repair and signs that either read, no service from October to May, , or plowed between 5pm and 7am
So this is the journey.
The road turned from broken to dirt
Then from dirt to mud and ruts
Then I was not alone.
I saw rabbits, squirrels, prairie dogs and cows.
The area was very private and simple but I am not sure where the cows live. I have not seen a fence like this since was a kid at rice lake.
At the beginning it was a road in need of repair and signs that either read, no service from October to May, , or plowed between 5pm and 7am
So this is the journey.
The road turned from broken to dirt
Then from dirt to mud and ruts
Then I was not alone.
I saw rabbits, squirrels, prairie dogs and cows.
The area was very private and simple but I am not sure where the cows live. I have not seen a fence like this since was a kid at rice lake.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
maub is short for mohabi
I do not do well in heat. Grey told me that it was 99 outside and the weather forecast says 69 tonight . It is very beautiful here but I don't think I will stay more than tomorrow morning. I was up today at 5 and at the mountain at 7. I had a road discussion with about 30 deer and 10 jack rabbits. The bird that tried to get a ride did not make it. I was glad the black cows were at the side of the road. The night temperature has gone from 46 to 69. This is a picture of stone carving.
You can see the four figures in the center,
There is very limited camping at the Arches. So the ranger suggested that I go to a state park on the ridge on the other side of the road. I think not. Lightning is in the forecast. I did drive up there. 23 miles from anywhere and and no trees. I came into town and found a camp ground with a tree. Think this might be a good area for October.
I put the picture of the Arches on Facebook but will try to get the sunrise tomorrow.
They are hiring at McDonald's. I have 20 flies on me in here but it is cool .
great Basin
The motel was great and am not ashamed to say that I just stayed in the shower until I thought my skin was about to wrinkle up permanently. The parks are so short of water that you feel guilty that you are using the water. At the motel restaurant and casino I didn't think it was an issue. I went to Gale's oil and tire mart and has both done. Driving cross country can sure put the miles on the car. The two men that did the work on the car were right out of a sitcom.
You can not make this stuff up. I am tired tonight and will lose lose sleep as I drive east so the following are some pictures of the Basin. What I don't have are pictures of the caves which were great.

Monday, August 19, 2013
The trip across the desert is a long single lane one minute 70 miles and the next 25. After 500 miles you have a numb bum. I could not find the Buddha but did find the Prospector motel --gambling 24/7, big TV, shower and down the road from oil change
This is the first real town that you come to since you leave Reno
This is what most of road looks like.
There is a perpetual smoky look to the sky. The temperature went from 97 to 76 and the road went on and on. This was a tiring day but much of the scenery was very interesting.
The brown smoke at the bottom of the cloud appears to be a small lightning fire
Sunday, August 18, 2013
This area was hit with a lightening strike last year and this is just the fringe of the area that was struck.
The area had a volcanic eruption in 1912. The lava etc makes the land barren for years.
This is volcanic rock about 5 miles away.
Lassen volcano NP Today turned out much different than I thought it would. I had a very good night's sleep and didn't have to get up. The rule appears to be eat early and nothing after 7. Now if I could get the tea going and drink more during the day I might feel good and lose weight. By the way, in addition to paste I am starting to master the word assist that comes with the droit. In general, my spelling should be much better since this thing anticipates the word I am about to insert so I usually only have to hit the space bar after two or three letters. So what was different. I started out of the parking lot of the camp grounds and Samantha was telling me to go back to Ashland. I was going south and I was already south. She said go 39 miles north than west. I checked the map and noted I would be going into the smoke if not the fire. About that time I needed coffee so stopped at McDonald's were I picked up my mail and some info about Mt Shasta. I also witnessed the most hilarious order process. There was a family of four who wanted 3 #6 and 1 # 5 without cheese, two chocolate milk, one coffee, one diet coke. The cashier had a hand written name tag and was about 60. I think she lost everything in the market and has not worked in 30yrs. she kept wiping her brow as she tried to get the order right 2 coffees and 1 white milk and 1 hot chocolate ...2 #6 1# 4 with extra cheese. we were the only people in the place. I went to the bathroom and when I came back the manager had come to help and they had the food correct. I knew they order so when she got it right I said yes. A Mexican got in line when I in the bathroom. His English was very poor but the manager knew his regular order coffee black with 4 cream on the side and 5 sugar. I was in there 17 minutes before one black coffee to go. I was very very very sure that I should not go through the smoke. So I went through the woods and arrived at Lassen np around 11:30 I am now doing laundry for 2.50 wash and 2.00 dry. Will need oil change and tire rotation in Colorado but I am now headed East. The drive through the park is not for the faint hearted. There is little shoulder but little traffic. The scenery is varied with sulfur steam, volcanic rock and the remains of a large forest fire last year. Most folks have campfires and I have a bug off candle but will go to the ranger talk and shower in the morning. Tomorrow is a no destination day my next stop is almost 600 miles away so I will take refuge in Buddha or a state park which ever comes first. Stan said he was getting car sick so we will drive around the park. Glad I have a Park and parking brake and automatic transmission. Happy bonny.
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Ashland Oregon
Just coming home from the theater. Ashland has the third largest Shakespeare repertoire production company in the states. There are over 600 in the group. I saw taming of the shrew set in New York coney island type place. Very funny. Today I was up early and drove across the mountain and fields. Saw a fox and a dear as well as farm animals
The morning light was nice but there was still the hint of smoke. I bought new Merrills, socks and something for my Zen house. I had a smoothie at the co-op which is the third largest in the country. There are 22 , 000 people permanently living in town. I ate at Rubys...a funky place and an Italian place. Took Stan out today and opened him up. I think he enjoyed that.
A boy on the climbing wall at the park
Just a few rules
Friday, August 16, 2013
The road to Crater was not that long but it was a one lane with construction. I am now speed shy so it says 55 and I am holding at 60. Only half the people passed me. You could see the devastating effects of forest fire and isolation of the desert. Stan and I have worked out an agreement about the car which appears to have us both happy. I drive and Stan sleeps. Then Stan sits inthee drivers seat and I sleep. This morning I was asked if I missed Stan. It was 49 last night. Fortunately my thermal blanket keeps my body heat in or Stan would have been opened up and on top. I did have some comments put into the air yesterday. "what is with the reading material? I thought Stan might enjoy this Baga but no . Also it was noted that the other books were more of the same. Meditation, Kornfield, etc. When I was on shopping boat to Vancouver, I saw a Binchy book. While they had some (sex said in a whisper by my Mom) she enjoyed the tales about Ireland and I bought it to see if she has improved. About the same. So I left the book out for Stan. The camp ground was booked when I got here. I was happy I had pre booked. G31 was at the back of the park but not far from the comfort station. I did not shower in 49 degrees but will wait for mid day. I had a chance to talk with a few of the PCT walkers. The woman from Australia who is walking alone started at the Mexican border and will end tn Canada. She just picked up a refuel package of food she sent herself from Ashland. The record was just broken but it takes a long time to walk 3600 miles. This gal weight was about 110 and she carried 70 pounds. Beyond my imagination. My little marathon of one day of her walk was a killer for me. To get up every day and think of doing another...no way Again another lesson in what is important and the need for the pause. I am off to get into a trolley and spend two hours with a ranger and then take my poles and walk 3 miles.
Took some time off in the afternoon and then had a very good veggie meal at the Carter Inn.
I am meeting interesting people. The tour Rangers who was very short has been a ranger at Yellowstone, grand Teton, Everglade etc. The there is the park post man who picks up the mail and delivers to other post offices as well as the Park. Lots of PCT boxes.
This is a squirrel that liked my writing table
Took some time off in the afternoon and then had a very good veggie meal at the Carter Inn.
I am meeting interesting people. The tour Rangers who was very short has been a ranger at Yellowstone, grand Teton, Everglade etc. The there is the park post man who picks up the mail and delivers to other post offices as well as the Park. Lots of PCT boxes.
This is a squirrel that liked my writing table
This is going to be my next toy. Might mount it on the Grey Goose when I am not on Beverly.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
focus -feel like my glasses are clean
This will probably be the last night I sleep without Stan who turns out to be AfghaniSTAN rather than PakiSTAN. While Stan might be doing Ramadan, I feel like I am eating for both.
My day started at the Days Inn breakfast. I shared the room with a family of mother and three children. When asked where they live "around here" and their names- little man, handsome, and sissy. Right and my name is Rhodes Island. As they poured all the coffee milk into a water bottle, it was apparent the motels still don't remember that children travel.
It was then off to the Japanese Garden. The volunteer guide was great. I have a much better understanding of the thought behind the design. I am sure some wondered that I took pictures of the bottom of benches etc here are a few Snapshots.
In the gift shop I looked at tea bowls and one stood out. I have known world renowned potters. None of them would have considered this bowl jaw droppings, but my jaw dropped at the price, $400.
My day started at the Days Inn breakfast. I shared the room with a family of mother and three children. When asked where they live "around here" and their names- little man, handsome, and sissy. Right and my name is Rhodes Island. As they poured all the coffee milk into a water bottle, it was apparent the motels still don't remember that children travel.
It was then off to the Japanese Garden. The volunteer guide was great. I have a much better understanding of the thought behind the design. I am sure some wondered that I took pictures of the bottom of benches etc here are a few Snapshots.
In the gift shop I looked at tea bowls and one stood out. I have known world renowned potters. None of them would have considered this bowl jaw droppings, but my jaw dropped at the price, $400.
After the garden and gallery it was off to Chinatown, the homeless and the Voodoo donut shop. There was a line from the time I came to the area until after the book store and Shanghai tour. Amazing. The maple syrup and bacon was a $3 donut. The others were 1.50 to 2.25. I shared an ice coffee and chocolate donut with Rita.
This was an area with many street people but I tried to be careful when taking pictures. Some had dogs, knives, pots and pans. There was a mission for toilet but you needed to spend a 5 minimum to use a bars restroom. Rita had ulcers on her legs and a shopping cart full of treasures. I asked if she got to the Dr and she said yes, but I think not. The music coming from the instruments would make one say don't quit your day job but oh that is right this is your job. Most were not too strung out. I don't think Rita started that young. But she had never heard of crater lake and has lived in Portland all of her life. Note the arm on the guitar player. They're someones children.
The Shanghai tunnels were only two blocks from the donut place. The name comes from the process of capturing men to work on the boats going to the east. They would be given whiskey until they could not stand up and then would be dropped into a dungeon, wrapped up and carried to the ship and unwrapped when at sea. The tunnels also had opium dens were folks would come to smoke and pass out on the bunks. Slave trade is still going on and young people snatched into sex slavery. As I walked about I remembered my remembered my years of looking in groups for run away kids.
Finally it was off to the Moroccan restaurant where I washed my hands 3 times and ate too much. Off to Crater Lake.
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Eleventh Day
Wow, it is easy to slip into a similar pattern to what I had at home. I produced a plan to change many things - delete more emails, eat hea...
Wow, it is easy to slip into a similar pattern to what I had at home. I produced a plan to change many things - delete more emails, eat hea...
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Many years ago, I wrote several essays regarding the “sandwich generation.” The topic got as far as a few lunches with an agency director ab...