Thursday, January 31, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Thursday morning 31st
Wed evening 30th
This is our donut man
I did shop last night and got a few things for a few of you... hehe.. I am so glad the posse was not there.. it was a fine jewelry store and many items were on sale... I got a ring for my little finger..that was 195.. Beth bought a very nice and large ring... to replace one she has worn for about 10 years but is no longer wearing. Everyone came out with bags.. and they took plastic.. so. it was fun. You know me.. about 10 min of that and I was in the coffee store... and then they went on to the next and then back to the first...Liz you would have really enjoyed it. Anyway.. I went out to get the beer and had asked that someone order muched rice and veggies.. and a plate of fried rice and veggies.. and returned to a little bowl of rice in soup with a few greens.. I think they may be remaking the river kwai .. and I am in the camp. It was fine.. and we all did well and got home early and I went to bed at 10. Since I am doing these morning walks to the market.. it is a good thing I am going to bed a little earlier.
The woman on the left is the JW from Amarillo who owns several business and the other is Anne my roommate from Utica.
(am in the 20 min wait for the pics....soon ...) So after the donut walk I had a coffee at the Galare and then the Thai folks all left and Beth buzzed off to make jewelry and Jean the other person not doing either yoga or Thai... and I decided to do a boat trip.. I hate these organized deals.. but she wanted to do it.. and I don't think she does as well a
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Tuesday... I think
This is a picture of the elephant with the silver clasped necklace. It is a thick piece and I am sorry it is not better, but I think you get the drift
Monday, January 28, 2008
second monday note.
The woman in the for front is Tina.. she is an IT at strong.. we shared not getting much sleep when we are on projects. Next to her is John (or Johnny as Carrie would say) and Carrie.. they are a cute couple .. Carrie teaches yoga in Pittsford and John is in Insurance.. he notices the OSHA issues. they are lots of fun. and Carrie and Beth look like high energy bookends.
This is our fearless leader in his leading mode before songtaw loading to go the hill.... they leave at 10:30 tomorrow and I will be at Dan's and my doc at 10
It is raining.. and I found some money.. so I will wait for the pics to arrive and tell you something about the massage process. Last night, this young woman went from a neck and back massage to my feet. She worked and worked.. and then did my legs. This cost 120... and I gave her a 40 baht tip... the baht is 33.2.. so about $4. I am not sure what she got but it is small pay. I will have another tonight.. or maybe a full body.. for 350... or $10. It is great and feels wonderful to take care of myself.
Changing money is another thing. You can change into baht but I need to change some 20 in 5&1 American.. that will be hard. I never thought about needing small bills in Laos... this could be tricky. Marge and Wendy will also need money. We will be in the same area for a night. I am staying in a riverside hotel as are they.. except I think their hotel has a chandelier. I was planning on going to the Red Cross for a massage and I think the get one in the room....same same. Marge did get out to the morning market.. but said she thought of being a vegetarian after seeing the food handling of the chicken. Well.. at 6am it is a little hard to see hundreds of chicken legs laying open on tables being processed. There were intestines and stomachs etc.. I thought of my chat with Monika re China.. sometime you don't want to go through the kitchen. There are hundreds of monks on parade in the morning and I have two stings around my wrist as we talk.
The place I am in is operated by an Indian.. very spacious and they have coffee.. I am sipping a hazelnut latte for 45.. while I use the computer for 60 for two hours..
Here is a pic of Marge.. many met at my party.. she is an old ski instructor.. and feeling better..
bye again....
In case you forgot how goofee I look in the hat.. here I am at the galare house. I put the camera on the refrig and auto shuttered. Actually I put it on some fruit which was on the refrig. I must also admit.. I am making a goofy face.
The weekend market is not the same as last year. There were not as many original pieces of work nor poor workers looking to make Bonny jackets. I walked about for a long time and then remembered how very tired my feet are from standing all day. I actually bought nothing. But let us start the day. We went off to the same cooking school. Gosh that was fun and I must say, everyone got into it.. and as you may remember, it was the best food I have had. We made the same things and ended with sticky rice and mango. Meow did the class and told me that our teacher from last year gave birth to a half Thai and half Canadian boy in Dec. It is Meow's boy friend that o
We returned to Galare and then got a songtaw to the market. If possible it was more crowded. I did not go into the building where Marti bought her next thing.. so I don't know if she was there. After about 2-3 hrs.. and having stood all day.. I met up with a woman from Colorado.. Thai student and I say and had a foot massage. It was very good. I think whatever has been blocking my leg is un blocked. And I must have been tired since I slept soundly for 1.5 hr. We walked up and down the streets and I found that upscale place that has the net for 30 baht and hour. My pics are downloading.. so hopefully they come in that time. I the wandering about last night, Beth stumbled into a shop and can you believe it.. it was Angels shop. She took the card and today I went and introduced myself and told him the story of us going over the br
Today we crawled up the hill to the monastery. It was much different. Although it was not as nice a day and much less hot, there were also hardly any people. I checked about meditation classes and bought some very good bells. It was raining.. hard to believe. On our way back we stopped at a DimSum and had dinner. The place we are is close to my hotel when I come back.
I am very convinced I made the good decision. Same same but different. There is a young woman (actually very nice) that ended up in the Yoga teachers room the other night. There are a very serious group. I am giving my sticky mat and belt to Rich (the one with one leg). They are not going to the school but to the teak house. I would not be happy.
What I am thinking of doing checking out the hot springs.. in talking to some they say you can rent a house and live OK on 7000 baht.. that is about 700... I think I could do home and here for two months.. sweet. but of course I would miss you all.
Tomorrow I got an apt a the acupuncture person.. .. so my address will stay Galore.. and that is a good jump place... b
Sunday, January 27, 2008
The morning after
Saturday, January 26, 2008
out of BKk
Friday, January 25, 2008
Sorry no pics.. Sat 26th
I am not impressed that so many have received very bad bruising from massage. Beth had some bad bruises.. but then she asked for deep. I think regular is almost torture I would think deep would be close to the 'rack'. I went back to the Chinatown temple yesterday and bought a second amulet.. it has soft gold around it.. but the monks are so cute and I like the design.. so Cheryl.. give up your lunch.. it was 300 baht.. $8 give or take.
I so enjoy your mail and feedback.. I smile often thinking of what you would say seeing some of the sights.. It is hard to talk about much of it.. it is just a flash as you are walking by. I am still impressed with the workers up on a 5 story building walking on the scuffle that is made of lashed bamboo.. this is when you want a moving.. they leap about like geckos.. And on my morning walk to the Internet.. the rooster.. it is almost as good a rooster as Marti.. fun stuff. I am doing everything except the nightclub stuff.. it will be good to have a room that we are not going to move from in a day.. the gypsy stuff is tiring. My roommate ... from Utica.. is a very nice and thoughtful mom of 2.. my smiles.. and lots of serious healing folk.. there are a few..but that would be too strange if everyone was the way I would like them to be. Need to run.. market.. plane,.. dinner.. market with Beth to look for the houses.. and then hope to find a net.. be well.. bye for now..
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Friday Morning

and ooops.. I just lost two.. sorry.. I will blog more later.. my phone responsibility calls

This is a pic of our group.. the one on the right.. is a particiapant... not thai or yoga.. the rest are yoga.. from texas, utica, colorado , and down below.. florida.. very nice folks

Wednesday, January 23, 2008
The rest of the story
This reads rushed because I want to get back and use the know toilet before I take these folks out and about. Believe me they are not last years group. The Thai folks are older..chunkier and less cleavage. if you get my drift. I also have not heard anyone say they need a smoke. The only yoga so far are the two men and me. I think the rest come in today before our gathering and 7 o'clock street food.. and let the games begin.
I went to bed at about 10:30 last night and then up at 2 to let Anne in .. and then I stayed up with her until about 3 and then slept until 7... I am back on track and ready to go. So very sorry...(now you don't believe me do you) to hear that it is not 90 degrees and sunny back home... I could get use to this.. but if I were to come for a month.. it would not be BKK... I am ready to go... and must get going soon.
I had fun with the pics yesterday and decided to do a series of sleeping people.. young old... etc.. I found folks sleeping on the motor cycle seat and under trees and on the job etc. great fun.
I walked 8 feet are happier in my Keans.. Well the bonny tour starts at 9:45... wish all of you could be here.. but if you ever come.. I will have my tour stuff down ... enjoy.. I am ....
PS. Thanks to Georgette and Kim for helping me enjoy my travels.. Lady will probably not want to go home from the tender care she gets at the farm with those skinny dogs .... love...b
Where is Elmo
Tonight we went to a traditional tea house for and squat dinner.. it was great. Just a quick note... I am going off to get a shower and into bed before Anne comes... bye .. b
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
The Morning After

I am sorry about he sideways shot.. but this is a vase of quail nests... they were not happy about my picture taking and I now realize that even thought I adjust the pic in my folder, it gets copied the way it was taken...learning curve. but you can get the idea of the size via the orchid. These are not as expensive as some.. a box of the most expensive ones are about $1000. Wish someone would give me that for my home....

again.. sorry... but you can see what you can do with your old tires.. wonder if the preservation district would approve of the lawn furniture. This was sitting out side an auto repair place and the workers had just finished lunch. There are so many interesting things to see. In the pictures, you will not get the sense of close hot steamy quarters. The little streets... about two and half people wide, has scooters, delivery wagons and people all trying to go in two directions. It is not for the faint hearted or anyone with close quarters issues. This will be my last sideways pic.. but as you can see how hard it is to down load.. better than nothing.

I thought of Sheila when I saw this stall. These are in the button area.. row after row of buttons. Then a shop with weaving stuff.. then a shop or two of thread.. etc.. Speaking of thread, I again watched the women plucking the face hair with string. I did not want to be too rude, but they appear to keep one end of the string in their mouth and the then use both hands to move the twisted thread around a single hair.. and then pull the ends.. catching the hair.. and pop. You have to see this to believe it... a Joe note. when I take a continuous shot.. you can almost see a movie of the process.. neat stuff. I am now taking a look via auto to get a read.. and then going to the amp setting for my shot choice.. distance, close etc. thank to Monika and Georgette and Joe.. the camera is getting much use.
this is where I started the blog.. and when the pics came.. I just went up to put the text in.. I lost a pic trying to move them.. well.. I will get this..
It is the morning after and did I have fun.... But a wait on that (teaser for my yesterday dull blog). I know it is very cold. In talking with Beth last night, she froze her hands while getting gas for the van that finally gave up the ghost. And I know that you don't want to hear that I thought I was getting over heated yesterday. Which leads to the reaffirmation.. middle way is the best way. When I try to be coherent in the after noon so you get a block in the morning, it is just not working. My brain felt fried and it was a more than struggle to even think of what I was doing rather than what I did. Add to it the keyboard not working on all keys and you get some wired stuff. So while I might add a quick note in the afternoon, I think I will try to do more of the story in the morning. I am at my usual spot, the pics have been in download for 15 min. Since I think it takes about the same for one as several... we shall see.
I am not sure what the temp was yesterday but the humidity was 200%. In the ultimate diet you are to try to sauna for 30... try 6 hrs and 8.5 miles of walking. I think this might be a way to lose wt, except you have to drink to stay hydrated.. and the Chung is easier than the bottled water. I find Chinatown very interesting. I have the same feeling as the shoe stores at Market
place.. I buy 1 pair of sneakers on line a year.. who buys all the shoes that are sold at the many shoe stores. HIP HIP I see pictures... and only 20 later.
Post picture text
I must say a little about the evening. I went to street food with Beth and a yoga guy.. Joseph. I can tell you don't call him Joe. but anyway. After Beth and I had a beer.. another long story.. (I can hear Liz say.. so......) well that will wait. I had gone to the Hillel lodge and made arrangements to go to the airport via their bus. I went out to the airport at 10.. got there at 10:30.. got a coffee to keep awake. On the way to the bus, I remembered I did not have the santa hat that she would be looking for.... well how many old white women would be standing in the line waiting.... zip zip... nata..a. nil. I had her picture.. I made a sign that said Zen Thai.. ok it was only a 8x11...but if you were looking... I wore the shirt that I was wearing in my pic that I sent her. The plane is in early... great... I worked my way to the head of the line and end of the line.. the first one you would see when you came thought. I pretended I was a NYer.. and every young looking lost blond that came thought.. easy to see when everyone else has dark eyes, hair and slanting eyes.... every one that even remotely looked like it could be someone .. traveling alone younger than 80... I shouted.. MOLLY....... of course I did not write down her last name.. this would be a piece of cake... 11...11:30...12....12:30....1 I was now into molly... and I had to use the toilet... (coffee at 10:30). I had her paged...Molly of Zen Thai... I tried calling the a hotell..a.busy busy.... I am not ready for the travel business... at 1:30.... I crawled out of the airport.. sunk in the back of the cab.. with the driver... no luggage.. travel alone.. you running away... that was the best thought anyone had that evening.. but then.. if you run you only take you... there was a bad accident on the road... but when we got back to the hotel.. the street was quiet.. I slide into bed at 2:30am... and said..............................
you can finish that... I am now off to the museum .. there is an English tour at 9:30.... must run
Tues afternoon
I have picked four pics do down load.. that was 20 min. ago. Well I have about 12 min count.. so pics might wait until another day. I did Chinatown today and it was hot.. really really hot. I feel wet and sticky. Since I have to go to the airport at 11..think I might wait on the pictures and morning for a longer post. I walked and walked and ate.. and made friends with the 7/11 folks so I could use their luve...I think a quick shower and a snooze by the pool might revive me. More in the morning when it is less noisy and I can get the pics to work.. be well all.. I am. funny to hear you all are cold and I am dripping.. this is 2 shower a day weather..
Monday, January 21, 2008
Monday Afternoon

This was yesterdays meal... it was actually sticky rice and mangoes and a beer...but the rice and fruit vanished before I thought of the picture. I will get this more organized..but not bad for a first draft. I am trying to take pics of the meals

Sunday, January 20, 2008
morning after - monday first week
That brings me to the aura reading. He said he never saw someone with so much energy.. 72 meters...most are about 15 (I can hear Linda say...I could have told him that). He was right on about most things, but he said I would surely live until 60.. and then on to near 80, which I think he is a decade off.. so that is about right 98. I hope my energy doesn't slip on me.
I had my toes painted Sheila.. in our spot... I waited and waited.. and the put on my socks etc.. only to find hours later that my socks were stuck to my toes.. You can take me out but you can't dress me up.
I bought a purse yesterday.. my only purchase. It is like Sheila and Liz over the shoulder purse except my in blue/brown.. a me color. I looked at the shawls and got an idea but I will wait to be with Beth in Cmai to see if I can get the best quality. I will get the amulets there also..
Well enough of this dawdling...time to get hoping. My neighbor just shared that I must slip the picture onto the puter.. and then put it in the blog.. oh happy day.. no time on the machine now.. but I will work on this. A short note to Scott.. I saw the most beautiful tuktuk I have ever seen.. made by BMW.. I took a pick but it was a honey.. you would love it.
I am going to go to the temple of the dawn on my way to Jim Thompson house. This it is a morning thing to climb all those steps in the heat... love to all .. I am smiling much more than the blog appears. Taking lots of pics ... and enjoying my now.
First full day in BKK
This morning, I got up early and organized. One of the things about travelling for me is that you move the stuff around in your suitcase often.. constantly actually. I moved the cold weather stuff and the daily stuff and started a laundry bag. Then I reorganized it again. Very funny to do this since all of my stuff is in my duffel. oh well. How you do anything .. do everything.
Breakfast, which comes with the room was continental - fruit, toast, strawberry jelly and coffee. You always use that word loosely. What was fun about breakfast was the meal was served under a CNN TV talking about the caucuses and next to a open stall food provider. Three people pulled stuff from plastic bags and started chopping, cooking, sorting food. Folks strolled through the alley, leading to Khaosan and assembled and payed for their meal. It was like the working persons drive through. After I ate, I started the journey to the weekend market. It is the same.. not even same same but different. The smell and the crowd etc. was still there. About 11ish, I found an a/c tavern and had a chung and sticky rice and mango.. there were both so good, I almost forgot to take the meal picture. Most of all, they gave you a wet paper towel.. actually frozen.. ah... relief. I then spend time with a tarot card healer.. how spoke English. He read my aura and I will say for the most part was right on. I did a lot of market looking but little buying. I will be going back several times.. lord the very thought of that. The water taxi was fun until I went to get off and the boat jerked back about a foot.. I pretended I was super bonny and about flew across. I ate some pasta ( I know I am in Thailand) and had a large beer. It is hot, 92 and I am not use to that.. so this is a slow day. The AC in my Internet place is not cold. I am going to get my toes fixed tonight and then just chill.. I need to catch up on the sleep. Marti the rooster crowed at the Wat on Khosan.. not as good a crow as you ..but not bad. I am well.. hot and happy. bonny
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Did I ever go home
Just as I was packing Thursday, I found were my suitcase zipper had come undone.. so as long as I only zipped to the right and not left, it appeared to hold. When I stood watching all the bags come off the line.. but not mine, I was expecting an announcement - lots of corn hill t-shirts and vitamins are in lost luggage.. but that went ok. I was happy to see sun when I walked out.. last year it was so depressing with the bleak smog etc. The photo journalist does not like BKK.. it is the kind of city when you blow your nose and think.. lord I am breathing in all that stuff. I just will not blow my nose.. or blow it in the dark.
I had planned to take a cab in to the city so I only negotiated a little and the cab was more than my room. 800 baht.. which as of today was 33 to the $1. The hotel had sent instructions to be printed out for the cab... cheering smiling cab driver new but did not know where to go so wanted me to read the seven numbers starting at the end.. and he said it was 8. well 8 was the 6Th number. What looks simple.. just cut this out and give it to the driver turned into some very funny stuff. Finally there was a slight pause in the forward progress since he decided to actually stop at a light so he could read the note. He made a call and then we proceeded.
I picked this hotel because there did not appear to be any bars with boom boom BOOM music. The drive stopped on the main drag next to Khaoson and let me out. He said he had asked that they send someone but I could just walk down through the stalls and then turn left and I would find it. As I walked I thought.. fish.. noise .. fish ...noise. I found an "inn" which was actually in and out or (room by the day) but I was in the next one. It is quiet and no smell in my room. there is a window that looks out on to an alley but it is very very quiet.
Not for the faint hearted but cheap and I have other ideas for my $... so I can share the room. I found two beetle looking things with long whiskers resting in a corner. I explained to them ( I am sure they are the oldest surviving critter) that I was a Buddhist and would not kill them as long as they slept on the floor. I read that if you keep a light on, they will not roam round as much.. so I will leave the light on in the shower. I also noted that folks padlocked their room when they left after locking the door... fortunately, the old girl scout brought my combo lock from my ym bag. Happy bonny.
I will only share a few stories for I am tired and I need to walk through alley's to go "home" to my pets. As I walked up still another ally to get to Khaosan, I saw and offering on the ground about 10 feet from a spirit house.. there was two lumps of rice and something in a bowl and incense. As I got the camera ready to click, I found that a large mouse.. well you get the drift on that one.. about 5 feet long was partaking of the rice. I got a blurry picture of the rodent but it was very amusing to me. There were also cats walking about, but they were not about to tackle anything this large.
The usual crowd was on the Road and I went to a newer place near my facial place and had an hour foot massage.. happy bonny. It is now 9:30 pm my time.. morning for you and I have been in these clothes since yesterday at 4... time to go and have a scambled egg. Going to pass on the beer tonight.. need to find my way home.
Tomorrow I will start my quests and take the water taxi and sky way to the market early in the morning. I am enjoying being by myself so can fuss with my pictures. Know you are all with me.. bye for now.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Hours to go.....
I was struck by several things as I got my stuff together 1) even if you have all the time in the world, it will never be enough time to do things exactly the way you would like to do them and 2) no matter how prepared you are, you will always believe that you have failed to pack the most essential item and if allowed will help to drive yourself quiet crazy.
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Eleventh Day
Wow, it is easy to slip into a similar pattern to what I had at home. I produced a plan to change many things - delete more emails, eat hea...
Wow, it is easy to slip into a similar pattern to what I had at home. I produced a plan to change many things - delete more emails, eat hea...
Crawling out of bed has new meaning for me these days. To get to the rug on the floor and prepare for the new bed, the old bed had to go. ...
Many years ago, I wrote several essays regarding the “sandwich generation.” The topic got as far as a few lunches with an agency director ab...