Saturday, November 28, 2015


Last week was reconnect with my inner me and make some sustainability plans for maintaining my true bonnyness.  

This week I will be work on my writing.  Coming up to the 700 blog this year.  I am going to work on the best of the bonnyblogs – do some cataloguing and editing.    

The following are my first steps: 

1)             I can relate to this article... "Like most dyslexics, I think in pictures and feel dyslexia gives me an advantage over other writers. But the fact remains that I can’t spell, have weak punctuation skills, and chicken scratch penmanship that is no better than that of your average second grader or family doctor.
The world will forgive you if you can’t ride a bike, play the violin, or kick a soccer ball, but society won’t forgive you if you can’t spell, read, or write well. For this reason, many bright and talented dyslexics are sent to the back of the line. It’s not fair, but it’s a fact of life. Even with modern technology, it’s difficult to find strategies for improving one’s writing." -  Nelson Lauver    Most Un-Likely To Succeed.  
He like myself now depend upon Grammarly.

2)         I am also working on the passive voice.  I hate when caution – you are using passive voice pops up...   These are my new rules
-   If you do not know who committed an action, it is appropriate to use passive voice.
-   If you prefer the attention to be on the action itself and not the person doing the action, you may omit the agent.
-  You are expressing a general truth that applies to many and using active voice to express the idea would be awkward. 

3)         Kurt Vonnegut's 8 (7) rules for writing with style - "How to Use the Power of the Printed Word," 
·         Find a Subject You Care About
·         Do Not Ramble
·        Keep It Simple (to be or not to be?)
·         (   […]  ok… That is a bonnyness, and it stays)
      Have the Guts to Cut (If a sentence, no matter how excellent, does not illuminate your subject in some new and useful way, scratch it out.)
·        Sound like Yourself  - love this  “I grew up where common speech sounds like a band saw cutting galvanized tin, and employs a vocabulary as unornamental as a monkey wrench”.
·         Say What You Mean to Say

·         Pity the Readers   - shorter, more attractive

last of the mountain

The retreat center is pretty straightforward.  There is a chapel that looks much like several small chapels and then two large sitting and walking areas.  On the wall behind the monk was this print.  Since the Thai monk gave his talks in "English" and I don't always get what he is saying = word for word.  I can listen to the "drift" and look at the picture.

As the monk said, for someone who had trouble walking on the terrain, I sure picked a hilly location.  Even the "flat" was not flat.

The area around the buildings is a dense forest.  At first, you don't hear or see much other than the green leaves.  However, when you sit for awhile, there are many butterflies, birds, squirrels etc.

You don't really think of ChiangMai as a "big" city but at dusk from this perspective, it is quite large and sprawling.

It was rather unusual that we all left the meditation center to go up to Doi Suthep to do the evening chant.   Looking at my fellow walk -lift - steppers, you would not guess anything about them.   None of them are living in Thailand and almost all, got on a plane and came to ChiangMai to meditate and will go back to wherever when they leave the Center.
The woman on the ground with the temple dog is from Lichtenstein and is a political journalist.  She was in the room next to me.
Starting from the left of the picture - the gentleman with the turban is from France with an Italian mother father from Sudan.  He did something to his foot and was wearing on sock on the foot since there was an abscess developing.  He saved some of his breakfast rice for the dogs who were not fed by the anyone.
Next to him with the brown bag is a 31 yr old real estate person who works on rental property in Amsterdam.  He has been in and out of relationships and as he was sitting he could feel that a woman he has known as a friend for four years was "the one."  He got his iPhone charged and told her so, changed his flight to go home sooner and is one happy man.   His name is Thomas, and he adopted me to make sure I got up and down the hill safely and carried my camera in his bag.
Next to him is a woman with a scarf on her neck.   She came the same day as me. She has lived in and around Canada (Toronto, Edmonton, etc.)- her mother is a Mennonite and her Syrian father in business.  She is an attorney with the UN working in Cambodia on the Khmer Rouge war crimes. They are hopeful of a conviction before they die.
The man next to her I believe was from Kazakhstan.  Also offered to tend to carry my tea cup etc. He left the same day and I and blended in with his brown shirt and jeans.
In front of him was another dutch woman who carried and very large bag to her room.She is going to the beach when she leaves this area.  I think she was in accounting.
The "older" man, Michael, is a surgical nurse from Germany who works and lives in Switzerland.  he was trying to fix the foot but all we had was salt.
In front of him was a Chinese woman, who does have a sister,  She and her family operate a large advertising agency that focuses on small business and non-profits.
The two man on the far right were from South America - Peru (without beard) and Argentina.   The man from Peru was coming here only for the meditation.  The man from Argentina had lived in China and now lives in Switzerland.
You never know.


This was my sitting spot.  I carried the chair up and down and down and up.  The monk was very nervous when the chair was not in the Dharma Hall. I told him I would have to have a chair and promised not to take it to my room.

This was the last picture I took and it is a good reminder to pay attention.

 I walked up and down these stairs about 10 - 15 times a day.   On the last day I noted that thousands of ants were going someplace in a row.  There was a mark on the stone indicating that this was the superhighway of ant traffic.

Pay attention... there is much more to life if we only keep our eyes open.


Poor Bonny, so far away on the US national holiday celebrating the exploitation of the native americans.  Well, this was my second plate.  I have a few days when I can eat whatever I like and this year.. I liked Turkey and the works at the Bake and Take.... I only took one dessert
 (the square on the back of the plate)  and I had two glasses of red wine.  Probably the best meal for a holiday that I can remember.  You can see, I had a name card... and just like home, I sat by myself and smiled at those with family and friends.   And no, no one asked if I wanted to join them.


     What do you do all day?  What do you do when you go to the mountain?  What did you do today?  On occasion, I think of my life as being in the fourth quarter.  A wave a sadness come over me for a few minutes and then I think if I live the rest of my life in a mindful and awake manner, I will have more life ahead than the 95% bullshit I have squandered my time on.   Who cares about most things that were once so important?   Oh, I will still play a video game because I am too tired to do much else and I have never been a good napper.   Oh, I will still say stupid things because I haven’t developed some special sensing device that would make everything nice.  My Mother was nice.  She hated that people saw her as nice, but she was nice.  If you said, I like brown sugar on my ice cream she would say, that’s nice dear.  She was nice.  I might say, I can see your hormone imbalance tilting with the sugar overload.   My mother would say, be nice.  I would say, why?  But who am I being nice to or about? 

     I stepped into the shit this year by telling someone something about themselves that they apparently do not know about themselves.  Everyone else knows but he didn’t know or denies or hopes no one notices.   I would hope any good friend would say…. You have spinach in your tooth.  Probably not nice.  Better to let you get home and look at your reflection and say, shit, I have spinach in my tooth.   If I had to do it over again.  I would say nothing.  Not to be nice, but I caused myself anguish and if I am not kind, aka nice, to me, who will be.

     I am beginning to be more observant of the walking wounded that are marching about me.  Swollen ankles, bent legs, non-smiling faces stuck on the fact that life was not as kind as they think it should be.  People are walking about pulling steamer trunks of pity me crap.  The young folks wear clothing that are falling off of one shoulder or has material hanging a foot longer on one side.  What is that about?   I hear less laughter from most, more finger clicking about some vital conversation about the 95% bullshit stuff to people they will not know in a year but is oh so important today.  
So what if you eat the desert first!   Or you never eat desert?  I am going to change my motto from it is all good to let it be.  Sounds like a song.    I am thinking of my family or families.  I had two families, father’-  austere Germans and mother’s smiling but dishonest Irish.  Neither talked about anything that mattered much.  Father’s clan didn’t joke or laugh much but were scholarly and severe even when relaxing.  Mother’s jokes a lot, read but ever discussed the book.  Both ate or many be over ate.  Mom and Dad never parted angrily and called each other dear or sweetheart. They were a good couple and appeared to have made it work for them.   The rest of the family hardly hugged.

     When I was up on the mountain, I thought about physical contact.  I could not remember the last time someone hugged me.  I probably give an impression that I am not a hugger but not true.   I am thinking of a website that you might connect with that would just say… do you need a hug…   Mmmm.  Well, do you?   I would hug you even if you were a micromanager because we all need that little human contact so we remember we are not just a doing machine.

I am off to listen to classical music and let my soul be hugged.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Retreat Ready

I think I have everything organized to go on retreat.   I am hoping I can find a Songtow after breakfast.   I must eat before I go and will try to finish by noon, so I am on schedule.   As you can see, it is all simple.   At this center, there is a bed.  Last year, the floor was not a good thing for me, and the casual chatting did not feel like a retreat.   I will take an extra pillow and my air matrices and sheets.  While it is 90 in the city, it is cool up the hill.  

This is a picture of lunch.  Breakfast at 7 is more like a broth. You serve yourself and can take more if there is anything left.   This meal is at 11.

 The meditation, chant, and meeting space is large, and there are mats on the floor, so it is easier to do your treading.   As you can see, there is a chair, which I will use.
This is the dorm space.   There are two buildings.  One on the right and one of the left .. both have hot and cold drinking water (you can make tea and coffee at night) and showers.  You rather work your showers in when you can and when available.  I will bring TP. Last year had to buy a roll.

This is a little chapel with a Buddha statue in it.  What I think the pictures will show... it is hilly.   I will take my walking stick and wear sneakers.   Most folks are younger and wear flip flops.
I will take my camera and a book and a pad.   I didn't last time and I was the only one without...  
Happiness is being content with what you are experiencing... If it is joyful.   Enjoy but know it will not last.   If it is sad,  look to the lesson and know it will not last.   and it is all good.

Back  Thanksgiving morning

Simple Things

I go up the mountain tomorrow and climb the stairs to my retreat location.  I have been in ChaingMai for ten days - three acupunctures, three two-hour massages, three one hour massage, one teeth cleaning and fixed bridge, several dinners with H&H, five QiKong classes, etc.

I have brought to my life: one sitting Buddha, one Buddha book, 3&1 coffee pack, ceramic mugs for the coffee and tea, a bowl to make a salad, a knife to cut the avocado, 2 pairs of knee high farmers pants, 1 pair of long pants, a woven shirt, TP and paper towels, several bottles of ozone water, and 2 Leo.

My big spend was an ultra light professional baffled air mattress that is currently on my bed and will roll up and go up the hill with me along with the lovely cotton weave grey sheet.   I want to spend my energy getting to know me and not trying to stay awake and alert in the sun.

Since I will not be here on Sunday, but will be fasting on the hill, I will have a "bacon" lettuce and tomato sandwich with french fries.  Later I will have some soup.  Tomorrow for breakfast I will have porridge and two eggs with almond butter and then nothing until my grass soup at 8 am the next day.
I will take the Buddha book, my 8-week meditation course on my tablet and my camera...  two sets of white clothing, jacket, and me.   I have everything I need and want in a small room and soon space with a bed and floor.    It is all good.

I will take some pictures today and send them along so your eyes are as warm as my body is today.  It is 90, fair skies, and again it is all good.

I think I have a target on me....first attempt at this...but you can see, I am alive.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Go with the flow - there is nothing else to do

     I have spent  time this week trying to understand micromanaging.  In the past several months, I felt that I have been the subject of this process from an outside force.  The more I have looked at the subject in the Harvard Business Journal and other such places, the more some of the attributes shifted toward my own life.  

    I have tried to get out of others way of life and when I witness people doing things that appear to be harmful to themselves or others, I try just to let it be.   Sounds noble.  But as the two concepts came crashing into each other in my own life, I have come to the realization that I am a micromanaging judgmental person when dealing with myself.

    My goal for my upcoming retreat will be to become more aware of the mental gymnastics that I play with myself.  It would be wonderful if I could display equanimity and stay mentally even as an observer.  At this point, at step one, I will be content if I can at least recognize what I am doing when I do it.

    Life is very busy liking and disliking, bringing in, pushing away feelings and events in my heart.  When I sense something nice, I want to hold on and when there is something unpleasant, I try to sweep it out the door.   Neither will stay with me.   Everything is temporary.  

    Oh, the energy I put into trying to manage my life and get it fixed for once and for all.   That is not going to happen, but there will be less stress if I just learn to surf the waves of life and enjoy the movement and the moments of happiness. 

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Getting to know me

     This week and next, I will put some energy into paying attention to my body.  My observation so far is that when you are new at something, riding a bike, a new city, a new game, etc. you pay attention.  I think of cards for example.  I have been playing a silly game once a week for much of the past six months at home. It is silly because although you shuffle, you deal out cards in a stack to each player.  Hence, the chance of having several cards in a series is greater than if you dealt in the usual manner, one card at a time to each player.  The mindful player would realize that the top two cards might match cards in the hand of the player to the right etc.  Rather than count cards, the experienced or serious player would remember what suit and face of the card a player was collecting.   The unaware player, such as myself is ignorant of the cards and as it is, most of what is going on outside the conversation stream.

     How often do I change position, take a sip of my coffee or water, blink, scratch my head, adjust my glasses?  Am I mindful of my breath?  I thought yesterday, do I breathe in or out when I am eating.  Why am I not just breathing in?  Is this another example of life is suffering?  If I only took inhalations, my lungs would explode or only exhalations, my lungs would collapse. 

     I move up and down and closer and farther away to ease my back when I type.  I often blink  (It took me a long time to train myself to do that on the computer so my eyes were not dry).  I had an itch on my back, my mind wandered to “shower before class or after a massage?”. 

    Over the many years, I have become so familiar with myself that I run on autopilot.  The functioning body is taken for grant.  I think many people see me as self-sufficient and just moving along without realizing how hard I work at watching my actions, staying on course, setting daily goals, etc.   However, I have not spent time with my auto functioning body and it is now appropriate in the land of Siam, I say to my body, “I’m getting to know you, getting to know all about you.”     

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Coming out of retirement

     I am in training for the Olympics of my life. As an Olympian, there is a need to become religious about your program and in any training process it involves the body mind and spirit.

     In the past days, I have listened to the tapes by some of the big names in the health, fitness, and business and see a very clear link.   They all have had some significant adversity, setbacks, faults start (rather than failure) and have used what they have learned to jump ahead and become better.  They all had learned that when you try and try again and cannot break through a barrier, you redirect your energy and take the success and joy of knowing that you quit and stopped banging your head. 
In the week of my return, my energy level has doubled, my weight is on track, and the toxins are slowly leaving my body.   

     More than my physical state, my mental state is more optimistic and energized.  I am committed to not “going home to the place I left”.  Rather than avoid sleeping or negative people, I run my own race, set daily goals, and go for the gold.  Slowly, I am finding that when I am with non-smiling people, I don’t take it personally and know that they can always leave my company and I can still stay my course.

     Before my leaving my non-Olympic life at home, I was passing the time (or wasting time) and now more than ever, I have a long-term vision of when I want to go.  What I have dropped is the desire to make a difference in the lives of people who don’t want a difference.   There are people, places, and things to do with people who could make me look like a slacker.

    Most of all, I want to learn continuously and put into practice what I learn.   I will share what I know and am learning with anyone who wishes to listen to my example, but I don’t have the time to teach, convince, or drag.

    I watch dear friends eating food that is toxic to their already weakened cancerous body, I watch people make weight loss a program rather than a lifestyle, I look at the bourbon bottle tip to dull the pain of non-joyous lives.  Most of all, I watched myself wanting to be part of lifestyles that I know are not in my best interest and which do not bring me joy.

I have a vision of where I am going and it will be full of fun, safe drinking water, fruits, vegetables, organic protein, probiotics, and people who make a contribution and not just take up space.

Monday, November 16, 2015

This past spring/summer/fall at home felt like a hard road to walk. 
  I often felt like I was not in step with those around me.
   I sensed that no matter that foot I put forward, it was the wrong foot.

  Even in the short time that I have been away, 
    I know, I can't go back to that life.

  Here, I am walking a different path, my path, on two feet
     I am enjoying my days... and I smile and want to get out of bed.

         I see some very simple changes that will make my life much more satisfying and reduce the frustration and isolation I have felt.
1.     When I see a list of project, ideas, tasks, I need to join a committee rather than become the committee of one.   If no one else thinks it is a good idea, project, and task and worth putting in the time and effort, I will live with it never being accomplished.   My ethics will keep me a hard worker, but I do not need to be the leader.  If others are doing something, anything, etc. and there is a forward motion on a project, I will pick a simple task and do it and leave the rest of the pile for others and walk on.
2.     I want to have a social life – but I want it to be my choice of whom and when and what I do.  I found myself feeling sad about not being included in events with people that I don’t want to spend time with doing things that I don’t enjoy doing particularly when large amounts of alcohol are involved. I need to acknowledge who I am and acknowledge others for who they are and live and let live.   I will not hop on my left foot just to belong.  So, I need to join groups and discussions that bring me joy, inspiration and where I feel growth and enhancement.
3.     I will love people wherever they are on their personal journey and accept those that live unexamined lives, but I don’t have to life with them but smile at as many people as possible.
4.     I will keep the vision of where I want to go and create a game plan to get there.  To know my path, I will drop as many of the automatic routines as I can identify – all or nothing thinking, emotional reasoning, personalizing, and mind reading is but a few.
5.     Most importantly, I will surround myself with inspiring people.   They are out there… I know because when I look I find them, and I become alive and energized.  

I am excited about my future and commit to living every day awake and alive.

Saturday, November 14, 2015


     Last year, I fried my short lens, and Henry had a good one that he was willing to sell to me.   I have more to learn about the macro and wide angle features, but I am pleased with the sharp color.  I have had a day of stomach rumble and sore legs... so taking it a little easy.  I have finally figured out why people think I am thinner. My weight is the same, but I am shorter.  I will weigh in twice a week and take measurements monthly as I do in the states.   

     I am pleased with my intentional living that I am establishing - body care, vitamins, keeping the space neat, watching my food intake.  Now I will put the exercise and meditation into the mix and start my 8-week course of developing my meditation practice.

    It doesn't take long to get the house into a splendid cell for easy living.  Dish detergent, sponge, paper towels, mouthwash, etc. and happy bonny.  Tomorrow I will get a helmet with a visor since I am now riding at night without glasses.  Monday I will take the Prada's to the shop and have lenses made so I can see out of them.   All good.

    These are a few shots with the new lens.  The first is an ad for lodging.  Thay would come to $6 for a four bed and $5.40 for the eight-bed.  There are bunk spaces for about $3 but no A/C.  Some of the folks on quests or just wandering are happy to have a place to toss their bag.

This my desk space in my bungalow.  I have a king size bed that I use for sleeping and laying out tomorrow's clothes etc.  There are an open closet and refrigerator and hot pot for my tea and instant coffee.  The bath and shower are separate, and there is a table on the porch with a fan that I can sit at during the day.  It is quiet here.  I am aware of the buzz of the refrigerator and my fingers on the laptop.  I love that everything I have at home on the laptop is right here.   My bank, my photos, etc..   It makes the transition smooth.  Because I am a long stay, I get a break... but all of this is $5.50 a night.

I liked the colors in this picture. They are so Thai.  The woman, standing talking while twirling the hula hoop is the massage person who is waiting for customers. As you might note in the window, a Thai or oil massage is 300 ($8.50).  To the left is a spirit house and on the wall two mailboxes with the air con fan behind her.  The spirit house probably belongs to the building since she has a small shrine on the ground behind her.  If you are doing the math, even if she gets ten customers a day, she is only making $80.  My Phat gets $3 a customer so I tip well.  

Friday, November 13, 2015

Seventy-six Skidoo*

     I had that in my head and could not remember where I had heard it.   As a child, after five, I spent time in the Boston area.  My father was always bring quizzed and riddles for me to figure out.   I think that must be where I first heard it.  
     Today is my seventy-six Skidoo.  My front page of Google had cupcakes and candles, etc. and wished me a happy day.  Fun.  I also saw that the former Dean of Students at my college died.  She was one of the two that thought that even with grammar and spelling errors, I could do something with words and encouraged me to shift my major.  At that time, I was thinking of Math (CPA goal) but wanted to do public study research and engage in social change – urban planner  (Ph.D. in Sociology or Attorney).  I elected sociology with a minor in philosophy and then trudged down to the Dept of Social Services upon graduation.   Sr. Paula encourages me to get help with phonics and switch to English.  My parents laughed since they thought of my writing as almost illegible and unintelligible.  My speaking vocabulary was wide ranged, but my writing was 3rd grade or filled with the only words I could spell.    I wonder what I would have done if they had Grammarly and spellcheck etc. in those days.  Many of the classmates that I liked to hang with and the Friday lunch bunch that shared their writing were English majors.  I ate my P&J sandwich and listened.  Some have gone on to write for the newspaper or books.  I always thought they were the smart ones.  In later life, I have found the some nit pickers see only the errors and not the content, cause, or crisis.  I also have been blessed to have good people who can spot a mistake a mile away but no matter how I mess up the words, they can always read through it.   I am very grateful to those who have encouraged and those that have edited and to Grammarly and spell check.
     I was grateful to get money yesterday and pay my rent but was locked out again today.  Hopefully, it was only the 24hr rule about withdrawal every 24 hrs.  My arm is healing.  Still a little bump on the forearm and my knees are skinned, but oh well….all is good.  I am also very grateful for my old friend Tiger

     I saw the good Chinese Dr. today and she made me get weighed and pull up the first record – first trip, first acupuncture.  I am 47 pounds lighter, stronger and much healthier.  She encourages me to swim (oh no…)  She saw a difference also since I take the stem cells from Germany.  I will see her twice a week.   Phat was not as encouraging yesterday.  Why didn’t I get a massage at home?  Shoulder jammed and knees in knots.   I will see her once a week for an hour.   I am sure I worked off much Karma with our session yesterday.  The pain was an 8-9, but I only gasped once.
    I want to add a few pictures.   At dinner, last night, a young woman and her mother were looking at the menu and I snapped a quick shot.  I wondered if the young woman could see herself in future years.   She had taken charge of the trip and I wondered how validated the older woman felt since the daughters helpfulness appeared to have taken, the older woman’s power.
                                                                 Then in keeping with the old and new.   I looked down a lane and could see only of the oldest Stupa at the end of a road of lower income housing.


    Finally, as I walked along, the old dog was laying by the curb.  Snoring for the night…Soi dog what do you think

*76 Skidoo NO WRITER ATTRIBUTED January 21, 1949   (The CRIMSON will celebrate its seventy-sixth birthday, January 24, by not publishing tomorrow or Monday. But comes Tuesday and the Crime will get right back on its examination period wagon.)

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

What if

     There is a rap at the door, and when you open the door, there is a strange looking sorta person standing there with a letter.   You take the letter and read it...    You get your final pink slip; you have one week to live, get your business in order and live your life the way you want to live your life.
     Ok, this didn't happen.  However, as I prepared to travel, I decided to make that my reality.  
      How many conversations do you have?  How many things do you do that are meaningless, and you are doing them because?
  •  I am not going to spend my week worrying about what people think.  
  •  I am not going to spend my week doing things that mean nothing or talking to people who mean less.  
  • What is the last conversation I want with close friends, with people who have been helpful. 
  • What are the last words out of my mouth I would want an acquaintance to remember my last words.
Everything I, sleep...walk, etc. almost everything I do, someone died doing.
  •  He was a great guy, he joked on a grape, and it was over.   
  •  She just went to bed.
I want to live my life like I am about to die.  The small stuff...the annoying people....the misinterpretations.... are much less when put into this perspective. 


     I have been told and have observed that women who have hard labor, forget the pain when they are on the road to having another child.  Traveling to Thailand is much like that.  You forget you always forget something that you believe is essential. You forget you must wear the same underwear for 30hrs and that you get so tired you are falling asleep hold a fork of rice until you are so tired the rice drops of the folk just as you catch that your head is now heading for the rice bowl.   

     The last of the four planes is an hour late and has been so for 3 of the past four years.  When you get to the airport and in the cab, the driver doesn’t want to leave you standing on a dark street with a large closed gate at the guest house.   Sopha, your landlady welcomes you, Henry has provided beer and ginger snaps in the frig and after two hours, you are unpacked and stowed.

     There is always something that creates anxiety and makes you wish to be home.  This trip is money.  When I got to breakfast, I only had 500 baht and the bill was 580 bt.  They know me at the Blue Diamond, so I am good to go until I get back there tomorrow for lunch. So I proceeded to the bank.   I was able to get $475 out of the bank in Bangkok but was frozen out this morning in Chaing Mai.  My rent is $940….  So I got online and left two emails for the bank.   Tried again tonight to get more money…24hrs after the last withdrawal.  Contact your bank….  Got online at 9:45 am Wednesday 11/11…and yep, it is Veteran’s Day – bank holiday and I am out of luck to talk to someone until tomorrow night.   I am sure it will be ok soon… but very frustrating.

     The bank business has somewhat taken my mind off my other issue.   I was standing still tonight next to my scooter and thought the kickstand was down… when the bike fell toward me, I felt over and landed on my left arm about 3-4 inches from my wrist.  It is raining, the kitchen is closed so I am using the two bottles of water and the Leo that were in the frig on my arm to reduce the swelling. 

So like everything… it is all good….it is my left arm… I can move my fingers probably just a bone bruise. If it is any worse in the morning, I will seek medical advise.

      The positive – my one handed blog will be short.

Eleventh Day

 Wow, it is easy to slip into a similar pattern to what I had at home. I produced a plan to change many things - delete more emails, eat hea...