Last week was reconnect with my inner me and make some sustainability plans for maintaining my true bonnyness.
This week I will be work on my writing. Coming up to the 700 blog this year. I am going to work on the best of the bonnyblogs – do some cataloguing and editing.
The following are my first steps:
1) I can relate to this article... "Like most dyslexics, I think in pictures and feel dyslexia gives me an advantage over other writers. But the fact remains that I can’t spell, have weak punctuation skills, and chicken scratch penmanship that is no better than that of your average second grader or family doctor.
The world will forgive you if you can’t ride a bike, play the violin, or kick a soccer ball, but society won’t forgive you if you can’t spell, read, or write well. For this reason, many bright and talented dyslexics are sent to the back of the line. It’s not fair, but it’s a fact of life. Even with modern technology, it’s difficult to find strategies for improving one’s writing." - Nelson Lauver Most Un-Likely To Succeed.
He like myself now depend upon Grammarly.
2) I am also working on the passive voice. I hate when caution – you are using passive voice pops up... These are my new rules
- If you do not know who committed an action, it is appropriate to use passive voice.
- If you prefer the attention to be on the action itself and not the person doing the action, you may omit the agent.
- You are expressing a general truth that applies to many and using active voice to express the idea would be awkward.
3) Kurt Vonnegut's 8 (7) rules for writing with style - "How to Use the Power of the Printed Word,"
· Find a Subject You Care About
· Do Not Ramble
· Keep It Simple (to be or not to be?)
· ( […] ok… That is a bonnyness, and it stays)
Have the Guts to Cut (If a sentence, no matter how excellent, does not illuminate your subject in some new and useful way, scratch it out.)
· Sound like Yourself - love this “I grew up where common speech sounds like a band saw cutting galvanized tin, and employs a vocabulary as unornamental as a monkey wrench”.
· Say What You Mean to Say
· Pity the Readers - shorter, more attractive