Friday, January 31, 2014

perfect rules for life

I will only add one thought, if you want to live and you ride a scooter on the highway, have a helmet that fits.  For $8 I now have one that I don't have to adjust every time a car goes by.
I will be at Doi Suteph for four nights starting the 16th.
Lots of good changes. 

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Seeger those were the days

When I was in college and a young worker, I was much more the social activist. I don't remember how the connection was made but I became part of a small group of folk singing folks who wanted to do something for the segregated schools in the south. Most had no textbooks or only one copy per class. We would work at finding gigs, some community settings and some churches. But we sang wherever and past a hat collected dollars and sent the money off to a project at Antioch College. We sang many of the slave songs, Gunthrie, Seeger, etc. Sometimes we sang for 2hrs for $20. But we met every Wednesday and usually sang every Saturday night.
I often was pair with our guitar player Walter who worked for Nibisco and drove a truck. Walter was a friend and had regular contact with Seeger. In those days much of the civil rights movement,  particularly those of us that were active were under suspect for being un American. Walter wore a peace sign on his jacket that a well known "communist" Seeger had given him. It was the first time I had seen it but I was against war, so I got a sign and wore it.
Walter knew there were agents following him and peeping out the rehearsal window we could see the car with the man just sitting there.  I was not surprised when someone on my ski patrol,  an FBI agent, told me to be careful of my associates since I was now working in government.
Here I thought I was doing good works...but my indirect association with Pete Seeger and weekly contact with Walter had me on the suspect list for the house on un American activities.
We were very excited to learn Pete and the Weavers were coming to Buffalo and that after they were going to join us for a sing out.
It was a Friday and I was in Rochester for a social services conference when just after lunch a shot was fired that killed JFK and everything was canceled....and I never got to sing with whom someone then thought was un America.
I cried when I saw Seeger get the Kennedy Metal and wondered whatever happened to Walter
....this land is your land...this land is my land...........follow the drinking gourd....the ink is blank..the paper is white.....
Those were the days when I really stepped up and walk my talk and had the privilege of being in the company of people who wore the pins....Give a Damn.
Dear Suzanne, Joyce, Georgiana, Karen I have presumptuously sent my scribbles on to you. I am learning so very much about loving kindnesses that in loving kindness I should De clutter your mail box.
Dear Kay and JoAnn and fellow travelers Henry/Hanna, and Jeannine, I so appreciate your comments. I have come to recognize that it is apparently not easy to help me on my journey. As much as I want helpful comments,  I give an appearance of not wanting or needing them....
There is such a fine line between the helpfulness of loving kindness and trying to help because you know and have an ego need to share.
Isn't life delicious.
I ask and invite your comments even if only to say I am full of....

Ok so what is new
Dr. Lek is going to put a post in my root and then a porcelain crown...three sessions including building the tooth. $550.
I think my dental savings pay for the airline part o of the trip.
I have applied for a meditation retreat...hopefully will get in.
I will give my clothes (aka Corn Hill tshirts) to the Burma project. I hope none of them end up in Rochester among the homeless wearing the shirt.
It is not hard to consume 2 liter of water...only 8.5 cups water with little ph stick is now 6.75.
The benefit of living mindfully is much greater than the pleasure of just coasting along....and another beautiful day in paradise.

Monday, January 27, 2014


I had a massage with Phat yesterday and she could easily see I had walked up the hill. I also could feel the tenderness in my thigh. By the time she was completed I felt very good and strong. Staying out of others journey in not an easy thing. I see people lost and I want to help. So now I just look friendly and if they are interested in asking, I will gladly do what I can.
In the evening, I went to see an aryvedic doctor. She used the same tool to test my points as Dr. Olivares.  I tested in the desirable to acceptable range for everything. Only the liver, kidney and heart could improve. So I am to get 2 liters of water and put a lime in them and work to get so I drink the full amount each day.
She suggested an antioxidant, calcium, and minerals and the diet for A blood.
I am a strong and healthy person....BUT I need to avoid toxic people and situations and try to follow more of a routine.  She gave me a healthy lifestyle routine. I will have to make some changes but they are on the same track as what I am doing.
My plan is to be in Asia for Dec through mid March next year.
The Dr visit was reaffirming. I want my life to be full, rewarding, healthy, and at the highest spiritual path that I can find.
Before the Dr I did not work on the grant. I am sure that would have changed my score.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

no elephants

I am going to try and pull in a favor and get out to the elephants for an overnight. They are booked. If I don't go i will go out for a mindfulness retreat. So here are some pictures from my day on the mountain.
First, I have never walked up and down to the Wat at Doi Suteph Today walked up and down in normal walking pace. What I could not do at 64 I can do at 74. At 84 maybe I will walk from the zoo to the top 11 km.
I t is not easy to understand the picture if you have not been there.  I am at the top looking down.  And a friend was waiting on the top step.
Temple dogs appear health.
If folks are not hold children or whatever or talking on the phone, they are smoking.
It was a crowded day on the mountain as you can see by the removed shoes. A young boy was lining them up by the stairs.

Some interesting foliage at the top,
Think I am not the only one on the scooter.
Off to the market....but no beer on primary day

Friday, January 24, 2014

happy bonny

Henry took this picture Thurs night and called it happy bonny. I am happy. It was a nice meal with nice music and good company. I can create a world of now here. Meditate, exercise, be healthy and not have to deal with people who only see the faults of others and not themselves. The more I live in my now, the more I know there is nothing I can do about any thing in the past nor future. Life is not a cabaret but a series of events that gives one the opportunity to learn. I feel that most people do not look in the mirror. The only one I am responsible for is me. I am happy here, not because I don't make mistakes but because I am with others who are not perfect so they are more apt to see the humanity of another.  So happy bonny.
Last night I had a great revaluation. Since I observe that some live unexamined lives in their own fantasy, why am I offering information about what I see. I am responsible to try and stop abuse and crime but I only need to get into someone else's journey when invited or asked. So I am practicing by learning to just walk by the folks with the open maps and questions on their heads and just look friendly. I will keep my thoughts in my head. Om.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

just pictures no talk

fromr the flower garden Orchid pavilion

The following are one of the walls and the view from the stage

Could not resist the scooter boy next to me at a long light

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


I am on Facebook and according to that I have about 150 friends or at least that many Facebook friends. I have been thinking about friendship and what is the "job" of Friend. A few years ago I was connected to some "important" folks and one invited me to a party in the Hamptons. I was rather surprised and said so with my regrets. The response was I am only inviting 500 of my closest friends. Wow. Would I want 50?
In my study the teaching says there are five ways to maintain a good relationship with our friends- gifts, kind words, looking after their welfare, treating like yourself and keeping your word.
Some of that you can do for many in your life space since many come and go importantly in your life. I think of work friends with most gone, of people who have drifted away or I have let go so I could move on or not be pulled down with as they made choices to sink.
I think friends show friendship when they look after the other who might not be paying attention. This is both the person and the property. Be a refuge when there is danger or deserting when there is trouble. My creed has been a friend is the first person to walk in when the rest of the world walks out.
In looking back I see some that think they have been friends but have run for high ground when I have thrashed. Some who have said "get over it" when I have needed to talk.  Some who look for a flaw...and a few who have just been there.
I will be a more mindful friend even if we are only passing and hope that some will see I need also even when I appear not to need anything.  Enough next pictures.

Monday, January 20, 2014

getting on track

One of the annoying side affects to my weight loss program was the changes in the bathroom schedule. This is not what most talk about on a blog but for ever I had a regular appointment with the luv at 8:15 am. I did not like wondering what was happening to my digestive system.  So I come here and get sick but cleared and now back on track.
Today I had my weekly 2hr massage with hot herbs. She works on the knees but is trying to get the mobility back in my shoulder. I think the frozen joint is moving slightly.  Also I had a Thai refresher along with the massage. When Thais text they say 555 rather than lol since the number five is haa. Clever.
Last week Phat's brother went to the country (chaing rai) and brought back some special avocados and what appears to be a white pomegranate. It was excellent.
I took a trip across the iron bridge (near the Wawee coffee shop for my Thai language class) and got some organic mixed greens, German brown bread, and an apricot and almond soft cheese to go with the wonderful avocado. Tomorrow's meal.
 They must have many on a gluten free program. I have a sm frig but no cooking.
I can't imagine what gluten free Oreos are about.  Sounds like sour ice cream to me.
 Pretty easy to look for your level of  veggies
And when I am finished with the mission, I just hop on the faithful"stead" and tool home. There were some Chinese women in the red cab in front of me on Rachamanacka (love that word almost as much as elbow). So I took a picture of the shoes I am not buying.   Off to the movies. 

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Saturday and Sunday

I really enjoy the entertainer at Dash. Last night I sat at the bar and had a great salad and grilled cheese.  One of his songs, same same is really is very Thailand ...." She is 26 and he is 62....he is looking for the honey and she is after the money. ..same same."  I will not forget the name of the place since Dash is the owner's son. I did not stay too long since it is still a ride home on the back soi and 1.5 Chung makes me cautious. Sitting at the bar helped me understand the business end of the place and all of the liquor that goes into the drinks folks order. I really don't need a map anymore and I am starting to know the soi by the dogs.  One of the real dangers now is the birth of the very baby kittens who appear to want to sit in the road which also has bikes, scooters and pedestrians. The mother cat just sits off to the side as if doing a Darwin study to see which kitty makes it another day.
Today was my Reiki II class and I am ready to sleep.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

morning after

It is a good day today so I will write more after my meditation class. After the dental work yesterday, I was numb until about 10. At around 8:30, I started to itch on my chin so much that I thought I might have hives.  I had to be very mindful so that I did not dig my skin. Around 7:30, I figured out I could drink a beer without the liquid flowing out of the bottom lip. When I was in the dental chair, she gave me two very long injections and then when I expressed some feeling of discomfort, she did a third shot directly into the root. So all that numbing made my mouth go into a great sleep. Around 10pm, I stopped for some pasta and a glass of wine. When I got home,  the neighbors had lost track of time and were solving world problems so I took a pain pill and went to sleep. Good night for me and headache for the neighbors.
Met Henry on the road to breakfast and he came back to join me. There are few Americans here for a long stay but many Canadians,  Germans, etc.
Last night from 7 to 8:30pm,  I went to the celebration of the anniversary of the Documentary Arts Asia and bid on a photo.  I left before the bids so not sure if I am now the owner.  Since I will need to send home sky lanterns, there will be a Dhl box to ship.
The long story is, the tooth does not hurt. There might be a crack in it so next week will tell if it is fixable.  I am off with my camera. The big thing here us "fuzzy focus...I am old looks out of focus to me.  So
Chan mai koi sa baai dee ka.

Sa wat dee jaak Bonny ka

Friday, January 17, 2014

I have been feeling like I'm walking with one foot on one shore and one on the other. I carry my book and the more I read the more I see that the one shore that is familiar is next to very dangerous water full of churning eddies, seductive lily pads, and an unstable shore soil . I also have come to sense that you can not have surgery or remove your foot. Detachment is very different from running away. You can't find the liberation with strings attached to your soul. I can not repent the past nor brood over the future. The other shore is free from anxiety-serene and peaceful. It is the Self or the illusion of a self that is confident and happy when praised and anxious and angry when blamed or depreciated. Opinions expressed have caused pain. When opinions are not in harmony with what the other thinks they are not worth expressing if the person only whats a choir. It takes an adult to have a give/take conversation. Most of us really only want confirmation (support for our ideas), bobble head rather than, have you considered, or another way might be... So, why say anything that will only cause you disharmony. Today I will start by rooting out a tooth...One tooth, step, ,shore, , person, , thought at a time Today I hugged an begging man with a sign "free hugs" and he wished me a good was not just expected words....he had nothing and wanted nothing. If a man speaks or acts with an impure mind, , suffering follows him as the wheel of a cart follows the beast that draws the cart.... If a man speaks or acts with a pure mind, joy follows him as his own shadow.

I am now home from root canal and I had a dish of ice cream. My mouth is sore and numb but my pocket is only out $288. I will live and I did the baby breathing to relax. 

All good

Thursday, January 16, 2014

full circle

Tonight standing room only, and I stood, I watched IAm at the Documentary Arts Asia. I also had my second Thai class so I can ask your name and order banana pancakes...hey what is really important.  I also went to an old teak Wat and took some snaps. There was an old monk with two teeth who was blessing a couple. When he finished he offered to give me a blessing. I was surprised when he not only touched my arm but tried to tie the string to my body. He has n mastered knots.
Another monk told me he teaches meditation at 1 on Saturday.  My Thai language class is at 10 so I will probably go. Reiki II is Sunday. So probably no long ride on the weekend.

Not all the dogs look like they should be rescued. The  dogs who live with the monks are happen calm little Buddha s. This little girl had Sparky's color.

I have class and acupuncture and then root here are some pictures from yesterday. Same same with some difference.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Learning is everywhere

I will try again to put a photo into the blog. There is a collage waiting but I have already spent 1/2 hr trying to get it to load.

It is interesting how much putting pictures into the blog is helping me with my practice. You can not push the process so must either quit or just let it be.
I went to the Dash restaurant the other night after my humbling Thai language class. We were to work an hour but the place closed after a half  hour. It was at that moment I knew how you do anymore is how you do everything. Teacher gave me about 20 words of which I knew about 7. Do you think I could remember in 10 minutes what was just said. Language is torture for a dyslexic person. I am on a quest to find a different way to learn. I have don a good job of putting names to people so I will have to develop some tricks. For now chan mai sabaai dee ka, (I not fine, thanks) but I will persist. Our next meeting is Thursday at 6-7. I will then go to the movies and see a favorite of mine "IAM".
I fussed with the proposal on Monday and will plan to do the actual writing on Saturday. Friday at 3 is root canal and although I am planning to attend a party that night, I will take some down time Saturday and put the concepts into grant from. I suspect it will take a few weeks to finish the dental work.
I am impressed that they could build a computer tooth from one shorter and only half there. They found a small cavity on the top inside of the tooth as well.
So some thoughts.
I was stressed to learn that my best girl Kay is in the hospital in FL She  has had clots, fractures, knee replacement, and on blood thinners. We all make choices,  but I have been uneasy seeing her energy in the resent times and her body has been beaten. She had a new event while traveling and needed surgeries. In addition, her mate is at a major crossroad with some esophageal issues. So if you have any extra energy, I am sure she can use it to be ready for whatever is on her plate.
I have been observing and I am beginning to think a major drive toward expressing dominance over others and it is fear. I have replayed many conversations and when I feel people have been threatened by me it has been a perception that I am critical and they must defend. I am learning to just observe and not offer an opinion.
When I was in school I often did not say anything when the verbal or sarcastic thinking they were funny folks talked about the less secure.  In looking at the precept of obtaining from harming another, you really must go farther and help someone who is suffering or in distress.
Much like the second,  do not take what is not given.  This extends to taking some one's space, or time. So it is off to the Chet to read and meditate and then dinner at 7. Laew kun la ka.  See you later.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

my space

I have decided to add a few pictures of my space. One of the very good things about the small out of the way guest areas, no one notices you and you can go and come without a stir. It is great for my practice.  Here is my clothes shed.

This is my desk with the electronics and books. 
    Below is my bed. The new little pillow is on it. I sleep with the blanket doubled.
  1. And last is the step down happy room

Finally settled

I felt today that I passed over some threshold of multiple lifestyles and settled into a comfortable easy life. I decided to have two meals starting with a late oatmeal after massage.  I walked to massage.  It was easy, noticing the people walking by, the changes in the stores with more moving to high end and most changing the signage to include Chinese. It was comfortably warm. I stopped at the wood carvers, Lek,  and had Chinese tea and he played me an old tune on an even older instrument.  His son was just awarded the kings award for guitar (his son is 26 and is an attorney). He played,  I sipped and we went on our way.
The massage was excellent. Good stretching and hot herbs....then oatmeal.
Found an interesting book and some white clothing for my retreat. Even the hook to home, the grant writing went okay and felt smooth and not jangling. I put distance so it is not personal.
The night market was less crowded.  There are few young males and everyone stood respectfully for the anthem.  After a nice dinner the crown to the day...I found two pillows for my house. So now as I jabber, my butt is not uncomfortable.

Friday, January 10, 2014

post script

Sometimes you just have to trust that someone doing a skill for many years knows what they are doing. Ok  at the time I thought I was broken but yesterday I ran up and down four flights of stairs and had no pain.
Dr said with the continued care I am good for another 50 yrs with my knees.
Moving the sludge in the endocrine system is not a simple process. So there was some pain and my shoulders and not without much crunching and I know I will return for more work. Dr also said she has seen very few with my determination and resolve. I think that is also true of myself.  I am here on a quest to find out what I need and make it happen. I want to get to know me so I am congruent and have integrity. I get swayed away sometimes by wanting more to be long than stand in my principles.  Just because a mob does not like my style that does not make their acts compassionate nor inclusive and most importantly is breaks apart community.
I will be in a Reiki class today and then finish my commitment to write a grant for CH. I will do that tomorrow also so I can be finished.  If you read on Facebook what a wonderful, compassionate, connected community it is, you would wonder that there is any need to try to bring the other 2000 people that live in the geography but are not connected.
 Also I have heard from the bank in writing that my debit card will be good for the trip. Hip hip.

Thursday, January 09, 2014

my body

While I have not talked about it, I have indeed had a massage almost every day. I see Phat on Sunday for two hrs that includes legs, arms, back, and hot herbs. Then I go to the Wat and have a foot massage, which includes the thigh and shoulder. I am a good tipper so each wants to be sure i am happy and return. The Wat folks have been there since my first trip and they give an illusion of knowing English but they really only listen to every loud yelp and tears do not count.
Yesterday I decided to try a Thai massage. The little woman, at least in her 60's and half my size jumped up when I came in and motioned for me to follow her into the other room. After a bathroom stop, I laid down and she said a little prayer and started.  In a moment, I had left deep breathing and trying to relax and had moved to prayers similar to the porcelain prayer, "god if I live through this I will never sin again". Actually, the hour was not too bad and as time passed, I became more tolerant but amazed at some of the positions I was in a cross between my teenage attempts at the Karma Sutra and my thoughts about what water boarding must be like. When she stepped on the side of my foot screamed that I needed my foot to walk. I don't think she understood the words but knew that I had really raised my voice and was about to bolt.
Today, my legs are really good but I am not up for more for days.
I went to the dentist today and I have two teeth that will be filled (including the front tooth) and one that I recently cracked which will require a root canal, post and cap. So I will be about three weeks with the teeth.
I bought a Buddha yesterday but this one is only 4 inches. If I go back for another massage, I think I will take it.

Wednesday, January 08, 2014


I am on a little bit of a hold today since my  dental apt is tomorrow and then I will know when to schedule the Reiki class, the Thai language class etc.i want to start both soon so I can work more on my self and my accommodation to this culture. My lessons in  my practice has settled on the concept of compassion. From the readings of today I am learning how to be grateful for enemies.  When things are calm. I can be calm, but when I am hit with the brick, it is then that my true nature comes out.  How arrogant to think that I will not be hit or that no one would want to hit me or think that I should be told "off".  It is these things that bring about the cross-roads and help to show the path to patience and compassion.  if I did not know pain how could I understand any one's pain.  When things are going along, we can think everyone is happy and in the stream...but when you are tossed off path, you can see just how many others are suffering.
A horse of a different color
Last year I said something to someone I thought to be a friend.  I said it with love and the intent of being helpful.  Months later I found that not only were my words not helpful but were seen as disrespectful. This has made a shift in the relationship and in my opinion we are much less connected and I engage in much more chatter.  Not everyone is a friend, even if family. Not everyone is interested in my thoughts.  I am and I see my struggle and effort and smile for it is the effort not the progress.  I see I am miles from where I was.  There is only a shadow of the was self..but some will take more comfort in holding the old picture they do not like.  It is all good.
You can look and see the imperfect or the  potential or the shape orthe color
There is no right.
What we eat affect how we live and work and see the world. 

So goodbye for now.

Monday, January 06, 2014


When I started high school, I went to the school my mother thought would be best for me.  My best friends went to another school. The selected school was fed by two very large local grade schools, so better than half of my class knew each other and had been friends for years.  I was an outsider. I also was a closet illiterate and was hoping my inability to spell would go unnoticed. This was a great friendly school...unless you were on the outside looking in.  It felt like there were two classes, the happy academy and a very unhappy outsider.
Two things happened - 1) Molly Moore befriended me. She was on the fringe of the in crowd and 2) basketball season arrived andI was a better player than many.  While it was painful, I have always been happy for the experience since it made me more sensitive to those who are not "in".  I was reading on Facebook this week how great my community is and that we all help each other.  That is true if you are one of the 1/23 people who are connected. But what about the other 2000.
The feeling of the high school outsider was very real to me and again I felt that there must be a way to open the connective gates. The argument will be made that no one is keeping those who feel out from joining. But it is not easy to enter a room of friends and ask to join.
So for today a renewed commitment to compassion and inclusion and bringing the myth of the great community to be a reaity for more

sunday market

As I walked down a side soi last night to go to the market, I came upon a woman cooking something.  She was very intent and so I stood off to the side and snapped some shots of her.  All of a sudden she got into a conversation with the person behind her and started flailing her arms about.  She was very unaware of me and the camera so I just snapped a few shots of her exuberance.  I called this too many scooters but I think she was trying to say that she hopped someone did not come and set up in front of her.  I think she was a had not paid for a spot.

The Sunday market had many of the same people and I bought my Thai pants and two shirts from the same people.  The Hare Krishna now go banging through just before the King Anthem and they are full of energy.  It is interesting to watch people shop.  Many are very cautious
 On the top left was a Chinese woman who was buying a necklace.  It was about to cost her $5 and she spent a great deal of time deciding.  The next was actually on the way home.  I walked down a very dark Soi and there was a light.  When I looked in there was a man at a sewing machine working away on a project.  it was only 7:30 but it was market night and he was busy.
The next I call sad woman with blue glasses.  She should have red glasses.  She was the third wheel on the trip and she felt it and was stuck with it.  The other two wheels, just talked and talked but she was not in the mix and you can see that.
I was kind to the woman in the top right since you only see a third of her breast and non of her stomach.  Now that I am losing wt, I am so away of how many stomachs jiggle. (157 this am....12 to go)
On the bottom...I am am not sure what the woman in the kimono was about. She was with a man in an equal outfit and they looked like they were at a Samurai conference.. The light bulb over the woman with the stiff hair struck me.... she was definitely getting an idea about what to buy.
The last was a different kind of street person.   I think he is Thai but hard to say since he was tattooed and with a bone in his ear and the turban.   But he was definitely shopping for dishtowels....go figure.

Sunday, January 05, 2014


Perception is language. We can  not be a moment without being in language: we live in words much as we live in air. Even a single word is not reality. Dog. Your dog and my dog are very different. Both are real to each of us but the meaning of the sender of a personal picture of dog is different. Even it were that dog that both are looking at there is different emotion attached to each view.
It come to my mind that we rarely communicate but accept some strange form of shorthand with little clarity. If the recipient is fond of the sender...then there is compassion and the benefit from any doubt that there was ill intent to the words. But if the sender is suspect or there is an experience that the words are to be an attack or "bomb" then even neutral words or opinions will be viewed as negative.  So the moral. ... WORDS ARE LIKE TOOTHPASTE. .ONCE OUT OF THE TUBE YOU CAN NOT GET THEM BACK.  mindful speech but know the heart of the listener.

Saturday, January 04, 2014

one sheet to the wind

I love my little house and the folks are very helpful BUT I have found that the folks who are the room cleaners do not understand American bed making preference. Yesterday was change day so they came and cleaned the floor and mopped the bathroom.  This meant that my washcloth and top sheet were replaced with nothing. There is a bottom on top of the box spring and under the comforter...but no top.  I stopped to make a reservation for Sunday massage and Phat said try the cmart off I went.

What I found was a package of bedding. 5 pieces. So I bought the package and when I got home I found is consists of a fitted bottom sheet 2 pillowcases and 2 top sheet.   As you might see the bottom is now my top and the pillowcase my stool towel...all good. Now my massage. 

Friday, January 03, 2014


It all started with the pause. You don't realize you are slipping away your authentic self until you look in a non ego mirror and and you see a slight shadow of who you know your self to be. Living intentionally takes patience and practice. To have the right view you need to wear ego less lenses and put great energy into your own life. When you are doing a project or working on a task, you give permission to vary from the routine of your core life ..meditation, right food, rest, , etc you eat up your reserves both your emotional and physical capital and eventually you take away from the joy of the task since you are both tired and without routine.


On my way to porrage and acupuncture I passed several schools with the kids getting dropped off.  They are given money for lunch and then they make choices......


The fry lady was very busy

This little one had money for dry cereal...

Evening temple

 I stopped at the oldest temple yesterday and found the young monks getting ready for evening chant. They moving things from one place to another while the Wat dogs moved about. It was laundry day and I wished to drop mine off.  I have not mastered the art of blogging on the tablet. So I am now on the Acer and it is amazing the difference.  I did get a chance to do a few art shots so I will add them now

 So the top left is a tassel hanging on the clothes line.  the left is a grate and the bottom is the roof of the old building....
After all the scampering about and ringing of bells and setting up, the boys settled in to evening chant.

Eleventh Day

 Wow, it is easy to slip into a similar pattern to what I had at home. I produced a plan to change many things - delete more emails, eat hea...