Monday, October 12, 2009


Going to jump about a little. Spend the night in Wally's...:( Mom and Pop's was closed. This was not a supper that stays open but there were many in the parking lot. I panicked because I thought I fried my acer...but all is well and I am not a temporary member of the Aztec pass pin is 1948..(shhh the year the UFO crashed).
I thought the sky was very beautiful and while the ruin was to the right, the sky was there also

I enjoyed the short film and museum but the ruins have been restored and actually to make the area more appealing to the general public. They put a stone roof on but kept the doors small.

My tripod is giving me a little trouble but it will do for the rest of the trip. Only one more ruin. the door space is about 4 feet and about 2 wide. I was surprised how many were worried it would cave in... these folk left in i don't think this is the day. I am off to the last ruin chaco....which is about 64 miles away and then I will go to Santa Fe and down....

1 comment:

JoAnn said...

Absolutely gorgeous pix - I have really been enjoying them!!!

Eleventh Day

 Wow, it is easy to slip into a similar pattern to what I had at home. I produced a plan to change many things - delete more emails, eat hea...