Friday, October 23, 2009

Lady bugs & home

It will take me a long long time to clean up and get settled and get my life in the order I want it to be. Back at John's taco with Joe and Jim... felt the same same but different. Micky was starting to soil on the rug, Jim think he just misses me. Lady was lame by the time I got home and I need to get some grub in the house.
Organized the $... spend a total of $1877 on everything for 24 days and 7800 miles - $633 for gas. I stayed at 8 campgrounds, 8 Wall-Marts, spent 6 nights with 4 friends and 2 nights ($90) at Motel 6. $194 for tours into the parks and the rest on food, books, stuff along the way...a wool hat, socks etc.
Could not have done it for much less but the images I have are priceless. For those that followed, thank you. For those that dropped a note or called, my gratitude. For those that housed me and gave me showers... mmmmm. I would do it again...and probably skip the two motels.. they were not worth it. Alaska anyone?

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Eleventh Day

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