Saturday, February 14, 2009


The lotus flower

We thought often today of our friends on the 23 hr odysey while we had a great day. First, I have been struggling with a cold and this is the hotest place which makes you feel even worse.
So I went to the drugstore and for 40,000 or about 2$ I got meds to take me thru the day and night. I started to feel well almost immediately so this was a super day. We signed up for a Mykong tour for $17 for the day and started out at 7:30am after breakfast. While Page still had red eyes, she doesn't look any worse for where and can get both eyes open for most of the time. As we were going out there, which is only 17k but takes two hours we could see boats on the shore with primitive living and a tv. When we got there, after two rest stops to buy the local wears, we boarded... or stumbled in to what must be standard Mykong riverboats. I was still very tippy. Interestingly, as you see the snout is very high so it can snake up to docks. Which are cement stairs that go from the canal. The motor is similar to the canal boat in Cambodia. When we got to the island and fell off the boat, we were treated to rice and banana whisky and tea with honey and lime. As well as a sample of the fruit. Our guide sang a few songs and it was fun. After the festivities we took a boat ride...three in a boat with a stearer and pusher. We travelled down the canals and both thought this must be the kind of water the war was in all the time. The boats passed without a problem and there was something very serene about ther trip. We all wore coolee hats and I am sure before I get out of there I will have one. We saw old and young, men and women pushing the boats. It was surreal. The water was as dirty and interesting as you might think it was. After our lunch we got on turn of the century bikes and road around the city with motor bikes beeping to get by. We have figured out that while there are fewer cycles here...they all honk all the time. Here you can see the man from malysia riding be hind Page. I had more desire than brains to be snapping away while I road. Our guide was great. He told us many stories about the treesand plants. Here he is explaining that you can have a breast removed or you can climb to the top of the tree and get 18 fresh leaves...make a tea and then either drink half or spit on the breast with it... I will have to get the whole story..but is was priceless told by him. He know everyone on the road, canal, or in the restaurants.. and we gave him a good tip. Folks have asked about Page and here she is in contenplation in the bus. She is out of drops and finished her course of action, but remains ready and willing to go. We leave in the am for HanOi It is a smaller city and we are both looking forward to less hustle and bustle. I just can not get over the scooters.. so I will leave the blog with a couple of snaps. To night I saw a many with a goose in a bag, live chickens, many children etc. it is giving me courage to be very experimental...timefor the meds and shower...we will be up at 5am...just about when Joe/JoAnn are leaving Chicago for Roch... all is well..b


Anonymous said...

Bonny & Page:

Glad to hear that you're enjoying VN. The first days' blogs seemed a bit 'down' - glad you're now having a good time. JoAnn and I returned home safely without incident. I'll be glad to spend the nite in my own bed, with my happy anniversary girl.

You keep blogging, I'll keep reading.


Anonymous said...

Bonny & Page:

Glad to hear that you're enjoying VN. The first days' blogs seemed a bit 'down' - glad you're now having a good time. JoAnn and I returned home safely without incident. I'll be glad to spend the nite in my own bed, with my happy anniversary girl.

You keep blogging, I'll keep reading.


Eleventh Day

 Wow, it is easy to slip into a similar pattern to what I had at home. I produced a plan to change many things - delete more emails, eat hea...